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Is Facebook a phony social media site ? - Printable Version

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Is Facebook a phony social media site ? - NEWME89 - 10-14-2012 04:53 PM

It seems like no matter how many friends you get on the site, the friends you friend and vice versa are not really you're friends. There is no real form of communication. I'm glad im off facebook. In mu opinion Facebook sucks. People tell me what you think ?

- ♥bailey♥ - 10-14-2012 05:01 PM

I personally love Facebook because it helps me keep in touch with my friends, especially the ones that don't live near me for go to my school.

- ~*Slushie*~ - 10-14-2012 05:01 PM

Well it could be that you friend people that aren't really your friends but acquaintance

- Mr. Extricate - 10-14-2012 05:01 PM

Is Yahoo Answers a phony social media site?
Did that answer your question.

- Tongan Princess - 10-14-2012 05:01 PM

It's only phony if you're the type of person who adds random people just to say that you have 1000 friends. lol. but if you're the type of person who uses facebook to keep in touch with real life friends, then no facebook is not a phony social media site.

- Dexter - 10-14-2012 05:01 PM

Well, as for me, facebook is a great place to communicate and to socialize. I prefer this among any other social media platform. Maybe, you just need to make sure that you add people you really know personally to get in touch and just be yourself in posting status updates to get noticed to build a REAL form of communication.