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Why would someone who sent me a Facebook friend request not reply to my message after I accepted? - Printable Version

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Why would someone who sent me a Facebook friend request not reply to my message after I accepted? - Jean - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

This is a person that I have not seen in 25 years and was pretty good friends with back then. One month ago, I accepted his friend request and sent a re-acquaint message to him. I have not heard back from him and I have seen on his wall that he is on facebook.

Do any of you have friends like this and/or are you like this? If you are like this, why do you not reply when an old friend who YOU sent a friend request to, sends you a get acquainted FB message? I am referring to those of you that do sign on to FB regularly, not those of you who have not seen the message because you rarely sign on to FB.

- Lucy Girl - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

i got really drunk one night and went searching for old facebook friends that i really hated and fired off friend requests...they were from like 25 years ago...i wonder if you are one of them
i forgot my password and dont care to login again