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He texted me every day after our date, said he liked me, and then nothing? - Printable Version

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He texted me every day after our date, said he liked me, and then nothing? - anonymous - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

Last weekend I went on a date with a guy I had been talking to for several weeks. Before the date, he texted me every day and seemed very sweet. He told me several times that he was excited to see me. Our date went well and ended with an offer to get a drink back at his place. I accepted, and long story short, we ended up hooking up. Later that night he texted me "goodnight beautiful" and the next day he texted me saying that he hoped I had a great day. Monday he texted me at two points during the day, and we had a short conversation each time. Even though he texted me so many times, I was having trouble gauging how he felt about the date/figuring out if he was only looking up for a hookup to begin with. I didn't want to come on too strong by asking since its only been 4 days since the date. A friend pointed out that I hadn't actually given him any indication that i was looking for a second date, so last night I decided to text him first. I texted him something I thought was funny and he responded with a laugh and said "you know i kind of like you." I responded by telling him that I kind of like him too and then....nothing. He texted me about 5 hours later to say goodnight, and I didnt hear from him at all today. What is going on? Am I rushing things too much? Overanalyzing? Wasting my time? He hasn't mentioned seeing each other again at all.

- TraySean - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

I went on a date with a girl 4dayas prior to our very first interaction on facebook. And it's been 4 days now since the first date. She had really a great time( I could tell) and like your story, we talked everyday and she always message me first. And she's a bit busy with school right now, so I end up deciding to not talk to her. She hasn't message me like she always does. I know in my heart that both like each other so much. Idk, maybe it's the trick game again, like playing hard to get.. You and him are obviously waiting for who ever initiate first and talks about the second date.. He should be the one to do that so just wait. He will. Sometimes girls are difficult to understand Undecided

- GoMav - 02-19-2014 12:59 PM

He probably has had other girls.