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School is ruining my life? - Marissa - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

I am a freshman in highschool.

I get pressured with school; lessons go by too fast, (which causes me to fall behind. I ask my teachers for help but they don't do anything) I have ADHD and they do nothing to help me, every time i go to the counselors office about my problems, they don't even listen and they just yell and me and tell me to "get over it". People are too obsessed with drama and try to butt in between my ex friend and I's problems, even when i tell them its not their problem so they should stop. Teachers yell at me when i ask questions (my tech teacher doesn't even know my name! i remind her at least 10x a day, she remembers everyone but mine! My name isn't even that hard to remember!) I have no friends, and I feel like everyone hates me and judges me for being dumb and ugly, and I have anxiety and depression. School is the main reason why.

Honestly, if i could, I would drop out of school. I would rather be poor and unsuccessful as an adult than go back to school for another minuet. But unfortunately, thats not an option. I hate school and it's completely ruining my life. I love learning, but school ruined it. I cry the day before and the morning of school. I've skipped so many days of school and i got F's on all my midterm report cards. Usually when i get to school, i hide in the bathroom for an hour and then go to class, and/or i would just run away after my first class ends because i can't take it anymore. Its causing stress to me AND my mom. My mom cries because she knows how much pain i am in, getting up everyday and going to back to that hellhole.

I've asked her if i could do online school, because i am an independent learner and i like going at my own pace. I've tried everything: I've written essays, made speeches, I even ran away from home just so she could understand. But, apparently she would rather see me suffer and get bad grades at school than be happy and get good grades doing online school. Even if i got stabbed she would still make me go to school. I told her that I am better off in my own pace, and online school lets you do that (the online school i want to go to is like that, i know people who use it and love it), money obviously isn't the problem because i go to a private school and the tuition is $15,000 per year. I also told her that i've never been determined about anything before in my life (not even dance, which is something i am very passionate about) and i would definitely get good grades and be so much happier, and she wouldn't have to worry so much about me, but she would still rather see me suffer. she thinks that online school is considered "dropping out" (WHICH ISN'T BECAUSE I AM STILL RECIEVING AN EDUCATION), and she thinks i can't go to college (which is also false, lots of students can successfully get into college with online school credits). I've done so much research on this school, but my mom won't even think about it. She tells me i need a "social life" at school What social life? I have no friends there. And besides, i still do dance and tennis, and i talk to the people there and i hang out with them, and some of them are my bestest friends.

And no, i will not consider moving to another school. That will make me even more stressed with new people and new teachers (I am not the best with people, it takes me a while to even talk to new people)

I am 100% sure people are going to tell me to "get over it", because with my experience using Yahoo Answers, you guys aren't really the nicest people, but its nice to give it a try.
I made some typos and grammar errors, sorry

- Alyx - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

My best answer is to first, take a deep breath in and try to mellow out. Right now your emotions are, understandably, high. High school is stressful for many people-- due to emotions, hormones and just all the other fun adornments of adolescence

I am a senior in highschool, so I can somewhat relate to your problem as I was in a similar situation when i was your age. I wasn't allowed to leave the school at first, I did not have many friends, my grades were not necessarily BAD, but they were not good either. That all changed when I left the school I was in and transferred into the school I am now. Now, i am in APs, I've joined Honor societies etc

You have to have a mature talk with your mom. I repeat, MATURE, DO NOT LET YOUR EMOTIONS RULE YOUR WORDS. Tell her that the environment you're in isn't one that is letting you flourish and that if she wants to see you go to college, your best bet is to switch out.

EDIT: I see now that you said that you will not consider moving to another school, but I highly suggest it. I was in a charter school and I switched to a public school that was reported to have gangs and violence(so you can understand my hesitance to go there).... but I went. At first, it was weird, I did not know anyone and I did not know the teachers, but it took less than a month for me to settle in. There are some not so good kids, but no one has ever bothered me.
You cannot run from people because you're afraid of talking to them. At some point or another you're going to go to college/the workplace and you will have to meet new people and learn how to market yourself. I'm not saying get over it, because, trust me, I get it. I've been to eight schools in my life.

- Priya ^0^ - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

Oh god I'm sorry..

Hey we all have problems with school or as I would like to call it " the torture chamber. " I'm only in middle school and things are going terrible. Children picked on me every day starting from 6th grade, shoved me into lockers, humiliated me, tried to suspend me for petty reasons ect. They adults harassed me also. They screwed up my grades which they admitted to my face, they only have ears to some, they play with my mind like a toy thinking that I'm an idiot, they have done worse things but I'm not going mention. So, yeah I guess all the normal minded people have all these problems..

Don't take any crap from anyone, Because I read that whole entire thing and you need to put your foot down. When your teacher yells at you for asking a question tell them straight up that it is their job as a teacher to answer questions for students, and if they are not doing their job, they are unqualified, so why do they even have a job? Don't bother going to a counselor, they make everything worse so they can have a job. Trust me. The kids there seem like idiots, so don't give a damn about what they do because remember they are idiots. Idiots do idiotic things. Relax and watch a funny youtube video or something and don't these subhumans get you down. Because you are better than them, you are more intelligent than them. You are too good for any of the people in your school. School is for studies. Not for friends. You can meet friends online like I do, it's honestly better, plus if kids at school are bullying you and spreading gossip making people to avoid you, The internet might be the best route to make friends. But school is for studies, not focusing on social life. That's the whole point of school. But sadly people take advantage of that.

But please don't go to online school. You won't focus as much since you are on the computer and there's internet and all that. Just stay in school, study, if you study you will be better off than any of those dumbs.

I hope you find some use in my advice.. I'm not the wisest person but I gave it a try! Good luck!!