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What to do about my stalker? Should I block her on FB and in life? - Printable Version

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What to do about my stalker? Should I block her on FB and in life? - deafeningpartner890 - 02-19-2014 12:47 PM

I used to think she was a friend.... we'll call her Alyssa, its close enough. Anyways, Alyssa has gotten creepy. She follows me to classes and bullys me a little. I wouldn't call it teasing, its way too harsh for that. She swears at me(not my biggest problem though) and calls me a bitch and stupid all the time. She is always pushing me down. She kept texing me constantly until I told her that I lost my phone charger and that my phone died. I told her that she has the wrong home number so she would stop calling me. She has read everything on my fb timeline and has memorized every deatial of my life, even things I have not told her like my allergies, my class schedule, what I tipically eat for lunch (she doesn't sit near me during lunch), exc exc. It's creepy how she knows every class I have, when and what teacher, even though I have never told her and I don't see her those periods. She waits for me to log on FB and, within 30 seconds, messages me. She trys to push tell me her weird family issues like her mom being in a wheelchair(she doesn't even look very upset- she just wants to make herself look like a victim).

There is a lot more like her trying to figure out excactly where I live, trying to scare away and push down my friends........ and I am sick of it.. We are both 14 year old girls and thios has been going on alll year. I don't know what to do. Please help me.
I recieved this FB message last friday and I don't know how to respond or if I should respond( I have replced my real name with my username lol):

Yes, this is going to be werid reading this but I don't care I have to let it out. Teddy we are not exactly friends. Well I guess we are but not like best friends or close friends. I don't want to make things werid. I have to explain something to you though. Don't toy with me and don't play me. I don't need or want to be hurt it's happened to many times. I guess the only way I thought I can make this sound serious is if I wrote this out instead of saying it out loud. I want to let you know even though I act crazy and I might "stalk" you it's not my intentions. I just get lonely easily. Life is not easiy at home with my mom in a wheelchair and my dad out of work. It's really hard. I just for some reason think you understand me the best I don't know why. My friend's birthday is c

- Teena - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

I was tempted to tell you to block her. You need to talk to her an tell her you understand her feeling lonely but when she deliberately follows you, finds out everything about you, you don't feel comfortable. She realizes she is basically stalking you and admitted talk to her, tell her nothing wrong with being friends but back off a bit and try and relax so you can relax around her.

(I would block her on FB and tell her the physical stuff has to stop or that is it!!! Be firm.)