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what can a 13 year old girl do this summer? - Printable Version

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what can a 13 year old girl do this summer? - Come As You Are - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

me and my cousin are going at her cottage for to July! so far i've got nothing to do! All my friends live far away from me. I already babysit a bit(so don't mention that) i've got no transportation.and lets say im not that close to much places like shops . so please help!! xD
my cousin is having exams(shes in secondary 4) so i cant hang out with her much.I dont want to spend my time on computer. and something diffrent then crafts since im already doing some. Thanks!!

- Sparrow. - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM


- titan2781 - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

it really depends on your personalities, as well as what you have available. you could get a video game system like a Wii and play games... if you like crafts and stuff you could scrapbook. it really depends on what you have around you and etc

- Anna Noblitt - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

Try finding things in nature like go on hikes or if there's a beach in a walking/biking distance or even a river that could be fun!

- posterlala - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

go to summer school, pick your nose, paint your toenails, eat some cotton candy, look out the window, swim, die your white clothes pink, die your pink clothes white

- UpsetInTheUS - 02-19-2014 01:11 PM

I kind of agree with 'Sparrow' in that I think you should try to find some craft ideas or something like that to pass the time. Search up a ton of games that two people can play, and pick and choose 'em as you need 'em. *If* you enjoy crafts, maybe you could stock up on basic craft supplies, and invent your own craft ideas.
A couple of things that sound fun to me are:
compiling a book of goofy jokes, stories, and quotes with your cuz~
inventing some games that have no point and are always changing the rules~
IDK....there are a lot of things you can do!

- Ihavequestion4you - 02-19-2014 01:14 PM

Hang out with siblings/family
Ride your bike/exercise
cook for fun
Paint/ or draw (something artistic)
pick up an instrument or practice one you already have
watch tv
linerider is also a really fun game
take a walk and appreciate the weather
call friends just to chat
read a book:
Harry potter, The Giver, Neptune's Children, Life as We Knew it ( Some of my absolute favorite books that are not boring AT ALL. Even if you do not enjoy reading)
Play with a pet if you have one

Hope i helped!

- Kendra Hassan - 02-19-2014 01:21 PM

Go on facebook! Draw some picures, go outside, watch some movies! Get little pieces of paper and write things on them such as ;; Monkey, Hat, Bag, Drawing, Banana, Pickle, Dress, Running...etc. and label three bowls one for "what, one for "wearing, and one for "doing label them correcly pull one out of each and you can get something like a Pickle wearing a dressrunning..then you have to draw that. haha ? have fun hope this helped! me if u wanna Smile

- Tele Teefup - 02-19-2014 01:26 PM

You probably should bring a bike ^^
you could go hiking, swimming, take pictures, climb trees, cosplay(?), learn to style you hair a certain way, fish, dirtboard/skateboard/surf, bring your dog, bring a kite, learn a different makeup style, write a story, think of ways to make the world more environmentally sound? It would help if you told us the geography of the cottage (like if it has a lake, if it's in alaska or florida) :3

- olives - 02-19-2014 01:30 PM

play outside in the sprinkler
work on hobbies
watch tv
take summer camps
call people
have stands(popsicle, lemonade) earn money!
make cool forts
make new friends(that live closer!)
go on vacation
practice an instrument
Hope i helped!