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Best way to create web site, to show and market art by a (poor)artist.? - Printable Version

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Best way to create web site, to show and market art by a (poor)artist.? - Dee - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Hello. We're trying to find the best way, to start a professional web site. This is an artist who'd like to display and market his goods.(lovely carvings) I saw an ad on tv(usa) for a program, to help set up a web site.I cannot find this program online because I cannot remember the name. I'd appreciate any advice, to help my deserving friend catch a break. Thanks for reading! ~ peace ~

- Dspdsp - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

Initially you can start with free website like

With this you will be able to display your art online to the world.

- Jay - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

There is a web site called where you can sell your art and most any arts or crafts. Wood carvings, paintings ,drawings and photography etc
My brother does wood burning and puts it up for sale .If that interests you for now until you get up and running with your own web page.

- R M - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM

If you live in Australia then try This is Art. It only costs $10 a year for your customised your own home page and your works would be viewed by thousands of people each year.

- PhoenixLeo - 02-19-2014 01:22 PM

If you're on a budget, Google Sites are free (with no annoying ads) and you can place in photos, slideshows (using Picasa), and videos, maps and other cool gadgets. It's easily customisable and you don't need to know code and you can personalise it by making your own headers in photoshop. You can authorise/give permission to people to edit your site if you need help with the design.

All you need to pay for is your own domain name if you would like one and they are pretty cheap these days. When you have it you can link it to your google site and it looks more professional having your own domain name.

It's great to promote yourself, but if you want to sell you may need an e-commerce site I found one called freewebstore, but I've not used it, so don't know how it works.

If you would like to sell prints Redbubble is a great artist community and if you would like to sell your work on T-Shirts you can get a simple Cafepress shop for free. It's no hassle, you just upload your images and the websites do the rest (i.e printing, sending and customer service.) You just take a percentage of the profits, which you can set yourself for each item.

Hope that helps Smile

- K8 - 02-19-2014 01:27 PM

I have switched from websites to blogs for both my art businesses and the construction businesses my husband co-owns. I use and find blogs MUCH easier to work with than a website. The blogs are all free. I set up 4 of them very easily and I am not a stellar computer person (2 for art and 2 for the construction company). I update them as needed and they look great.

- Blue Green - 02-19-2014 01:32 PM

Do your research and make sure the company is reputable before giving out your personal information!

Make money selling stuff on these websites:

1. ArtFire
2. Atoncer
3. Bonanza - Everything But The Ordinary
4. Craftisart
5. Discovered Artists
6. Ebay
7. Etsy
8. iOffer
9. MadeItMyself
10. Sell-Arts Marketplace
11. Yessy Art Gallery
12. Zibbet

Make money selling ANYTHING on a free online store.

1. Atomic Mall (free??)
2. Atoncer (free??)
3. Ecrater (free)
4. FreeWebstore (free - basic plan only)
5. HighWire Commerce (free - basic plan only)
6. Miiduu (free - basic plan only)
7. SilkFair (free - basic plan only)
8. Storenvy (free)
9. WebPlus Shop (free - basic plan only)

You can also get a free website at the following sites, while you sell your stuff on Ebay or Etsy. (Ebay and Etsy are very popular). I am not sure how it is done, but you can add the Ebay button to your website, like this artist - Kim Roberti Blog The Ebay button is underneath each picture. Or you can use a Pay Pal account. Go to Pay Pal website. Click on GET PAID. Select SELL ON YOUR WEBSITE. With this feature, you can add a payment button to your website and accept credit card orders securely.

Free Websites:
1. Google Sites
2. Microsoft Office Live
3. Weebly
4. Webs Free Website
5. Wix Free Website

Free Blog Websites:
1. Blogger (by Google)
2. WordPress Free Blog

Learn "search engine optimization", which is the process of improving the visibility of a website in search engines. If your website is ranked high in search results, it will more than likely get alot of visitors. Google search the words "search engine optimization" for more information or buy a book on the subject at Amazon website.

1. Open an account on photo sharing or video sharing websites (YouTube, Flickr, etc.) that gets HIGH volumes of traffic everyday! Post a few of your BEST artworks on these sites. The goal is to remain active by posting comments to get more exposure! If you post comments on other people's pictures or videos, they will more than likely check out your account as well. Don't Spam! Your comment should be about the person's picture/video! After each comment, type your name, Example: John Doe, Watercolor Artist. Also, use as MANY tags as possible so your photos/videos can be found by alot of people! Use a picture of your BEST ARTWORK as your AVATAR. You can't state that you sell artwork on these sites because they generally don't allow commercialism, so simply type your email or website address under your profile, so people can contact you directly about your artwork.

2. Join Facebook. Create an account that has an art word in it, Example: Go to Facebook and search the words ART, ARTIST, DRAWING, PAINTING, WATERCOLOR, etc..... (or in your case - SCULPTURES, CARVINGS). You will see alot of artists that come up. Visitors come to Facebook and they will generally type in art words to find artists. Also, these art accounts will generally allow you to be friends quickly and post comments, which can be used to your advantage.

3. Ask your family/friends to post a picture of your art and a link to your website on their personal website or blog site to get more exposure.

- antonin - 02-19-2014 01:33 PM

two excellent efforts above,but there is no mention of Artbreak, where both the Artist and seller pays no commission...

- sleepy_d777 - 02-19-2014 01:39 PM

Thank you all so very much for your wonderful answers! I truly appreciate all of the time ,you put into your answers. It is not allowing me to rate the answers. They were all very valuable to me. Stay blessed, my friends.....