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My best friend ignores me kind of? - Printable Version

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My best friend ignores me kind of? - Aida - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Ok I have a best friend and we talk on facebook and stuff.. And then I message her and she responds half the time. Then I start talking to her about more things and then she ignores me ._. But shes seen what I've wrote. Should I tell that if she doesnt wanna talk to me we sshouldnt be friends? BUT SHE RESPONDS TO OTHER PEOPLES FREAKING MESSAGES THOUGH. If she wasnt responding to other peoples messages i wouldnt be pissed. What should I do?

- jamie - 02-19-2014 12:54 PM

its her loss really. get a new friend becuase that one you're having is not a good oen

- Nailah - 02-19-2014 01:00 PM

Then she isn't your best friend. I had a friend like this. She's probably one of those girls that are jealous of you and talks shit behind your back. Or she just doesn't wanna be your friend anymore & she's loosing interest. You should start ignoring her & I bet you she'll say to you "why you ignoring me" then you should say you do it to me. Or you can say fuck that bitch & get a new bestfriend.

- Michelle - 02-19-2014 01:10 PM

Tell her why is she responding to other peoples messages but not yours. If she doesn't give you a good answer, more like an excuse. Don't be friends with her and find another friend that actually responds and wants to talk to you.

- Darla - 02-19-2014 01:15 PM

Well, that doesnt sound like a bestfriend to me. It sounds like you are the only one making the effort, and trust me, i know what thats like!! It isnt fun and it isnt worth the time. You can continue being her friend, but find a new best friend, and other friends who actually give a damn. In my opinion, its better to have no friends than fake friends....which is why i dont have friends now. Hahaha Smile I hope you find that forever friend!

- Bannana - 02-19-2014 01:17 PM

She doesnt know how to reply. This means either shes amused by it, or is just ignoring you.

- Julie - 02-19-2014 01:18 PM

Talk to her

- Carla - 02-19-2014 01:28 PM

Dont worry about it. Just dont text her much.