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Why is my face flipped when I take a picture with a front facing camera? - Printable Version

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Why is my face flipped when I take a picture with a front facing camera? - Woof. - 02-19-2014 12:48 PM

Its weird. When I did it I had one earbud in my right ear, but when I looked at the picture it was on the left side of my face and everything behind me and my facial features are flipped. But if I take a picture in Instagram nothing flips, its like I'm looking in a mirror

- Alexander - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Its just the way some phone cameras work. instagram knows this and flips it back for you.

- Photofox - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

It's because it is taking a view of you as others see you; not like a mirror does.
It's like TV presenters looking at a camera; they have to remember to move their left hand when pointing to something on the right of our screens.
A bud in YOUR right ear will look on your right in a mirror but to someone else looking at you it will be on THEIR left.

- Gurt - 02-19-2014 01:04 PM

The real image is the camera. The mirror is a reflection aka a reverse image of what you look like. For example.. I will take a box of Cheez-It's and take a camera view picture and take a picture of how the box looks like if it was in the mirror for you. From there you should be able to tell the difference between reversed image with a mirror versus the a camera image. Video is by far the best image you will ever get of your true self. I also own a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it has a camera which can be flip flopped from the screen taking a reverse/reflection image (only works on Snap chat) like what you would see in the mirror versus the camera on the back end of the phone, which is how somebody else would see you in person.

When people say you look like what you see in the mirror it's just a reversed image of what you look like, don't believe the people who say what you look like is in the mirror, it's a reversed image of what you really look like. Believe the camera and if you want to ever see the real you, use a webcam that's what you REALLY look like to other people. Mirrors are a disgrace to humanity. They distort your real image.

What the camera views and what we as humans see in our own eyes.

What the mirror views and what we as humans see when looking at a mirror.

How to test the experiment out yourself: Take a box of Cheez-It's or anything with a symmetrical look to it - that's your eye and what you see is correct. Now take the box of Cheez-It's to a mirror and face it in front of you, it's reversed or flipped around. That's your answer, hopefully I helped you.. this has been puzzling me for months and I finally discovered the truth a couple days ago. Just takes time and patience to be able to realize the truth.