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Should I forgive my (now-ex) boyfriend for this? - Printable Version

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Should I forgive my (now-ex) boyfriend for this? - Lil Munchkin - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

Sorry if it's long. I just really need help :/

Yesterday marked our 11 months together; however, he had to go on a ten-hour trip with his parents for a little shopping. He had told me the night before that he would call me when he got home, but he never did. He had time to go on Facebook and message one of my guy friends to ask him if I was on, yet he didn't even text, call, or message me telling me that he had come home or to acknowledge our 11 months. Today, I called him to ask him why he didn't talk to me yesterday and he said it was because he researched about clinginess and he realized that he shouldn't call every day. But the highlight of my day is always him calling Sad I told him that he should've asked me before assuming that I thought he was clingy. Then we got in a huge argument and went on a break :/ He went on Facebook and told other people about our problems, asking them what he should do. He portrayed me as an uncaring girlfriend, exaggerating some parts about me. I found out and confronted him; he started crying and telling me that he was only doing it because he cared about me. He talked to this girl's boyfriend... He thought he could trust him to to tell anyone. The girl hates me and her boyfriend told her and that just made me snap. I cried so much and he wouldn't pick up his phone until my mom called 20 times. She lectured him and he cried even more. He told me he was sorry, that he was only trying to solve our problems. In the end, we broke up and we're both lost and heartbroken. Should I forgive him for what he did? It's so hard to forget everything we've been through... He was my first boyfriend, first kiss. I don't know what I should do now.

- Sam - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

sorry but if its like an on off relationship then thats not healthy. dont be with him if he is disrespectful.


- Molly - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

Forgive him? Yes.

Cherish the good times? Sure!

Continue to date him? I'd say no.

I don't think he's up to continuing a healthy relationship with you if he feels the need to ask the Internet, Facebook, and other girls' boyfriends about the problems you two may be having without talking with YOU first.

Just take a break from each other, maybe stay friends, and who knows? Maybe one day things will change for the better and you two can give it another shot. Smile