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Aries guy dumped me... will he come back later? - Printable Version

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Aries guy dumped me... will he come back later? - M - 02-19-2014 12:49 PM

I have been in an emotional roller coaster with this aries man. In the beginning it was amazing and he was totally interested. We had a misunderstanding and then things fell apart. I tried to talk about it with him and he did the disappearing act. At this time his father was sick and ultimately died. In August, his father died...said he would contact me when things cooled with his family. I waited. He never contacted me. I sent him a Happy New Year text. He sent one back. I sent a few messages here and there if he was ok... no answer. I got so fed up that I unfriended him on Facebook. I left it that way for a while. Then sent him a new request. He thought we were still FB friends and ignored it and ultimately blocked me because I sent it in the middle of the night. I had no idea there was some kind of FB etiquette.

Anyway, I was pissed he blocked me because he was sending me a message to go away by doing that. He thought I was just blocking my request and we were still FB friends. I called him and left some messages for him. I'm a Scorpio BTW and I HATE being ignored.

Again... I didn't think it was bad to leave message for him for later on his personal cell phone. So he tells me I created problems for him at work. I wasn't calling him to talk then... just to leave a message. Anyway, he drops the bomb that he doesn't want to date me and lost interest in August but did not tell me this until now and did not give me an explanation other than a vibe he has. He claims he wants a friendship... I'm not sure I want this.

I told him that he needs to learn to communicate in friendships and not ignore people. He said that people that know him know he doesn't write back. I met him over IM and text messages so never in person... this is part of the problem. So, I said to him I don't want to talk for a while and that he blocked me on Facebook and it sent a message that he unfriended me as well. And I left it as "how are we even friends." He goes on these dating websites and pursues women that have no potential for him at all and he is following this stripper's FB page. FYI, he acted like this religious christian guy all caring and compassionate. I feel like he is a big fraud and a liar... but part of me misses him. I wonder if he will come around. No way in HELL will I contact him again because he pissed me off too much. But is there a chance at romance or did this Ram run away from the Scorpio for good. Should I just cut my losses? He doesn't seem to look for women with real potential.

- teenybadge850 - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

stop suffocating him and being annoying.

- Mystic - 02-19-2014 12:56 PM

From what you have posted I would suggest to move on. Seldom do Aries reconcile well, however, remember you are speaking about a sun sign, which is not the focal point in relationships. But, just from the action that has happen, sounds as though he has moved on for awhile, wise for you to do the same. Know you are worthy of a positive relationship with good communication. Sadly, this posting does not describe that.

- Kiwi - 02-19-2014 01:05 PM

I honestly think you scorpios are crazy. Are you telling me you went without speaking to each other for months (from august up until new years) & you truly believed he was going to come back?

He flat out told you he lost interest (almost 6 months ago this happened) What is he possibly doing that is leading you on to believe that he is going to come back?? Because as far as I can see-- he is only showing signs that he ISNT going to. Stop worrying about what he is doing on his FB and dating websites, its really none of your business. Move on.

- Hannah - 02-19-2014 01:07 PM

They say that Aries are always great in the beginning, but it doesn't last. I would try to stay away from him. The Aries I talked to was similar. He acted all about me then he stopped. Every time I act uninterested or he finds out about another guy in my life, he always comes back. Then he goes away again. They are freaking roller coasters and it's obnoxious. I'm a fire sign so I'm suppose to be compatible with them. But I don't like them when it comes to relationships. I don't have time for that, and neither do you. They are really insecure and try they hardest not to show it and will be jerks to do so. I suggest just getting away

- Bubbles - 02-19-2014 01:09 PM

My friend who is a scorp female had this kind of relationship with her aries now ex-boyfriend. there was just this huge miscommunication thing going on from the jump due to them mostly talking in text or on social media. they did reconcile...a few times....but ultimately it only lead to more trouble for them both. It wound up being mostly an intimate relationship, not really friends/partners or even lovers because they were fighting. Even lovers have a sort of respect lovey connection, but they were just independent people that were together. They would just meet up, and in person it would be sooo awkward. They'd run off to chat and work out their probs & wind up in bed together. A few hours later they'd be at it again trying to explain their angle. That sh** was annoying for everyone involved. He got busy at work, and she freaked out b/c he couldn't spend more time with her. That really blew things out of proportion b/c they were back to the mostly on the phone/internet relationship & they would see each other on weekends. I felt so bad for her, but at the same time it was hard to feel bad b/c she kept setting herself up to get hurt. I just felt they were so incompatible, but she said that she felt something for him, and he had all this potential blah blah blah. Long story short she broke up with him due to misunderstandings, he chased some pretty trashy women, she saw it on his social media & got sooo jealous/hurt, so she started a relationship with some other guy, he got jealous, back and forth until finally she said f this. She did go out with another Aries man, they communicate very well and are still together. She has never been happier. I think they really just were totally incompatible. He was just being selfish, and now that they aren't together he does admit that. I've heard/read that Aries truly can't resist being ignored. So you always contacting this guy is going to make him very annoyed. He likes to lead, so you're not letting him lead. You've probably already annoyed him enough at this point that he won't pursue you again, unless you totally change or make yourself "new" or interesting to him in some way. Such as changing your style, going out with a new group of friends, getting a new boyfriend and looking really happy. Just not focusing on him so much, so that he has to pop up and be like, "oh did you forget i'm here?" It doesn't matter how much potential a girl has. Aries utterly masculine. A woman is either his ideal, so he will respect her and practically worship her even change himself for her.......or she's just a plaything to plow. One or the other. He can still be a good church boy (even if he's a good church boy sex & station in life is still his priority, being the Ram...if he's a church boy that just means that he'll want only a virgin the ultimate trophy something that is just his own and is respectable/pure. Haven't you heard of the Aries Madonna/Whore complex? If he can't have a virgin or whatever his ideal is he'll take on every woman as a conquest until he runs into one he can't have, or one that he can be a hero to. If you're not a his ideal or a virgin, it's okay as long as he can rescue you. Just so long as he is the star...that's his goal... he's #1)..BUT he is a BOY lolz Not quite a man yet at least in this case imo.

I would strongly recommend cutting your losses. If you both are having a huge misunderstanding like this, and he's not agreeing that it's a simple misunderstanding, then taking a step back to fix it - the relationship is doomed. He's not putting in enough effort on his end to meet you halfway. You will wind up always trying to repair things and struggling for basic communication. It's so exhausting and ultimately a waste of time. I would recommend trying a new relationship with someone who you are more compatible with. If you are looking for love without heartbreak you definitely need to be able to communicate, and see eye to eye on the most basic of things. If he's going to make a big deal of FB drama it shows his immaturity. If he wanted you, he would just scrap all the b.s. and ask you to come hang out. Aries would show you an amazing time without the negative. It really shows that he is mad at you, and thinks you did something "wrong" to deserve the distance or punishment he's giving you. No sense in waiting around for somebody like that to realize the reality of the situation.

Sry to hear this hon! I wish you the best of luck and love in the future!

- DiamondZ - 02-19-2014 01:15 PM

One thing Aries CANNOT stand is being ignored and you did the opposite of that, infact you kept contacting him so much that he really got annoyed and if a Aries is annoyed there's no hope of coming back. Sorry to say hun, but He doesn't seem interested at all and once Aries lose interest it's VERY hard to win them back, nor does he seems worthy of you don't you want a man who will treat you better than that and love you? Im sure you do, so it's better you let him go and move on, once you do that he'll probably want you but it'll be too late for him. Let him regret not having you, Good Luck!