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Copyright, share, post, retweet? - Mark - 10-14-2012 05:31 PM

Copyright is run by greed. Try and convince me otherwise when I am looking at videos on youtube such as '50 cent stuffing 2 million cash in his lambo' infact name any well known artist who is poor. These copyright cases are not about protecting the small time artist they are bout protecting the profits of big multi-national organisations.

You think the movie industry is suffering? Watching at home will never compare to going to the cinema. Go and search the internet for box-office movie profits and try tell me they are suffering. What? You only made $250 million PROFIT cry-me-a-river.

The internet has developed and times have changed. Copyright laws do nothing but hinder technological development and innovation. It is about time we start thinking of the greater good and the effect we have on society rather than screwing everyone for money like big dirty smelly old school organisation.

Think crowd funding etc. There is a small time artist I cannot get enough of who runs based purely on donations. I willingly donated an amount I thought was fair, there is something beautiful about wanting to pay for something and supporting what you enjoy rather than helping to maximize the profits of WMG etc. Because that is the reality, due to social media artist no longer need the likes of those big corporate organisations to get their name out there sucking away all their profits.

So you know what I say? F##k GOOGLE, F##k HOLLYWOOD, F##K WMG, F##K SOPA, F##K PIPA, F##K all those idiots in government who do not understand the free and open internet and F##K anyone else supporting copyright laws.


These companies think they are invincible but they would not exist without their users. Users which now through social media are more connected than ever. So hit them where it hurts...

#Change your search engine
#Use OTHER online video sites such as dailymotion and metacafe as-much-as-you-can

Think this is useless? You are wrong. There is a whole community of people like you out there who want to protect the free and open internet. If you cannot be bothered YOU-ARE-TO-BLAME, the power is in your hands!

One does not join Anonymous, Anonymous joins you. We must fight!
Find out about what Ddos attacks are. Did you know the Anonymous Ddos attacks related to PIPA and SOPA had over 9000 people involved! Can you imagine the possibilities if it went viral. Power to the People!!!

- raina_vissora - 10-14-2012 05:39 PM

" infact name any well known artist who is poor"


Toni Braxton filed for bankruptcy (for the second time in her career) in 2010. The members of the band TLC were forced to declare bankruptcy and never recovered from it. Billy Joel has filed for bankruptcy three times. Kim Basinger has been all but ruined financially due to a costly divorce and several bad investments. Gary Coleman was so broke before he died a few years ago that he had to give up acting and take a job as a security guard. Michael Jackson was actually in debt to the tune of $400 million and living in a rental house when he died.

Moving on...

I would first like to point out that Google is strongly anti-copyright. They are required by law to adhere to copyright laws, but they've poured a lot of money and effort into fighting for copyright reform, so I don't quite understand your "Project F*** Google" campaign. Google is actually one of the biggest allies of copyright minimalists. Which is why the MPAA/Hollywood, the RIAA, and other media industry gatekeepers are so ticked off at them.

I would also like to point out that fighting against dead bills is a pointless waste of energy. SOPA and PIPA are both shelved indefinitely, and so politically toxic that they're not going to be revived. Replaced, perhaps, but those specific bills are long-dead.

Also... what on earth does intrusive advertising have to do with copyright? You seem to be angry at Google because they dare to make money. But you seem to forget that nearly ALL of their products are provided for FREE to users. You can't fund that out of pocket... you've got to make money somewhere.

And speaking as someone who actually makes a living on the internet (I'm a professional web developer), DDoS attacks hurt more than help the cause. All they do is a) temporarily annoy the target and b) give the government more reasons to propose crap laws like CISPA.

There are BETTER ways to protect the internet from copyright maximalists.

Start by voting against politicians that don't support a free and open internet. The fewer of these jokers we have in Congress and other offices, the better.

Then, spread the word about crap laws that threaten the internet. That's what stopped SOPA and PIPA... not DDoS attacks. It was people getting informed about the issue and then contacting their lawmakers en masse to demand that they do something to stop it.

And finally, SUPPORT businesses that are actively fighting for a free and open internet. That includes companies like Wikipedia, EFF, Mozilla, OpenDNS, and, yes, Google. Here's a comprehensive list of businesses who spoke out against SOPA/PIPA: