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Has today's technology,media and music ruined youth? - Printable Version

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Has today's technology,media and music ruined youth? - James - 10-14-2012 05:35 PM

In today's world of social media,music, and tech, I noticed that many youths are lazy,rebellious and in many cases cruel.Take youtube for instant,a pure cesspool of filth! I remember a video of a black kid who did nothing wrong but made a funny video and the comments were filled with hundreds of racist remarks directed toward a child.There was a video of a girl who did nothing but want to sing songs from her favorite Disney movies and once more comments were filled hatred making fun of her weight.But it doesn't stop there! Even on facebook they share videos and comments, making fun of people.It's so sick! How could kids no more older than 16 these days be so cruel to eachother?!

Then you have today's music.Youth today look up to this people as if their kings.Girls today as young as 12 feel like they have to dress like a slut on tv because that is how rihannah,katy,nicki,kim,gaga and the rest of the female trash dress and these are their role models!
A women who is in love with her abuser,a women who dressed up in roman catholic outfit with a fake pope,a women who sleeps with every guy in hollywood and has no talent whatsoever but somehow manages to get a tv show.
Where are the parents at and if present, why do they approve of this garbage and find it acceptable for their kids?

Lastly,you have all these crap reality shows! kardashians,jersey shore,etc., and today's parents instead of turning off the tv ,spending time with their kids will just sit there and watch it with them.No wonder why I see so many kids talk to their parents like anything without a ounce of respect.

I'm not saying everyone in today's youth is like that,I have met plenty of great ones.And I may be wrong on many things here but it's just how I have seen things on a daily basis.

- Teresa - 10-14-2012 05:43 PM

I dont think so. I think were just changing we'll grow out of it. Just like we grew out of disco, record players, and lots of other things. Soon before we know it the youth will be tellin there grandkids there music weird and innapropreiate. We dont listen to music to fit in everyone has there own style and tastes. Right now its just really oriented on pop. And electronics

- Deezo - 10-14-2012 05:43 PM

Nope...Poor parenting, intrusive laws, and presciption medication have ruined today's youth.

- swcasper2001 - 10-14-2012 05:43 PM

Well, let's see. You have children who almost go into withdrawals if they have to leave home for a day without their cell phones. You have adults and children who sit on their butts for hours at a time playing video games instead of doing something productive or getting some exercise and learning to have some imagination of their own. We have tons of tv shows that show nothing but people sleeping around like wild animals in heat and having babies with just anyone. And now we have a huge drop out rate of high schoolers, dead beat kids and dead beat parents, and everyone seems to think they are owed everything instead of earning their own way in this world.