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Met a guy, want to get to know him? Please help!? - Printable Version

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Met a guy, want to get to know him? Please help!? - Nikoletta Skartz - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

PLEASE HELP, I posted this already and no one answered ):

So I was going through my old friends pictures and there was this guy in one of them, he really intrigued me. So I asked around and 3 weeks later found out who he was finally! So to just ruin it, the same day thinking I was going to go home add him on Facebook and strike up a conversation on chat, and when suddenly HE came into my work! I came up to him to direct him to the right office, only than recognized him, got shocked, all tongue tied, and made a complete fool out of myself for like 5 minutes and than he found the office and just left me there...
Now I don't know, would it be creepy if I add him on Facebook now? Should I still go for it, and just be like 'hey' pretend like nothing happened.....? I am scared he would recognize me and think of me as some stalker..... Oh my, I am such a mess.

What should I do? Please help!

- J Travis - 02-19-2014 12:52 PM

Haha omg you are actually so cute. Yeah it wont hurt to try.

- Isabelle - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

Give it a try. Make up some excuse about why you were tongue tied and apologize for it. It could be a good opening conversation. You could bring up your mutual friend and how you noticed they have a pick together for conversation as well.

- DanaRay - 02-19-2014 01:03 PM

Well we regret the things we dont do the most so I say go for it. I was in a similar situation a few yrs ago. I saw this guy in my sisters pics from hs and low and behold he approached me. Only difference is I ran in the house after getting tongue tied. I.was so embarrassed, then I got a facebook page and requested him. He actually started the furst conversation with "you look familiar" and I took it from there. It is absolutely nerve wrecking because if youre anything like me, the whole tongue tied scenario keeps replaying in your head and it still makes your stomach turn, but it in time it will be such a minor deal, I actually laugh about mine now. What is the worst that could happen, its only fb.

- Phoenix - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM't be a problem. It must've been a too random encounter for him. Or maybe, well just add few of his girlfriends and then send him a request. It'll be more normal and he'd think you came across his profile by chance. It'll be more comfortable to him when he sees " xx no. of mutual friends". Good luck ! ^_~

- Ben - 02-19-2014 01:18 PM

yeah go ahead