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Is this girl like me or the boy one..? - Printable Version

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Is this girl like me or the boy one..? - Montecarloiroma - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

This girl i met when i am second year high school we're same level but different section.I always caught her staring at me when i stare back then she smile one night when i go to sleep i dream her then when i woke up i can't express my feeling to her then i start conversation to her on facebook we always chatting on facebook all night and we have account on online game she is caring and sweet on me but i don't talk to her on person because i am a shy guy.then when we are third year level but we are different section again she stop conversation with me sometimes she is replying sometimes she is not replying to me but every time we met in school we always do a eye contact and she is always smiling at me.then now we are fourth year and we are now classmate i always caught her smiling at me and staring when i stare back she look away and stare again and smile one time i met her on canteen she ask me what i will buy but i am too shy i end the time i stare at her and she is eating she said to me you want to eat but i said one word only "NO" and one day she ask me a favor that i will bring her newspaper for our activity on school then i bring her news paper then she sits beside me and cutting the news paper for our activity but i don't start conversation with her because i am to shy.and many boys on classroom have crush on her because she is beautiful. one boy always sitting beside here they always tease by our teacher and classmates then teacher ask the boy that what can you say about her then my boy classmate said that i love her then the teacher said to her what can you say about him too then she said if she can wait for the right time and on that day i lost hope and when she eye contact on me i ignore but when i look at them i feel she is not comfortable to this boy ... then on our group project we are group mates and she said i will report the part1 i will explain it about i found love then she smile then our christmas party on exchange gift manito manita i was lucky that i am her manito then the teacher said kiss your manito and manita after he/she give the gift but i have a personal gift on her and manito gift then when i give her the gift we kiss on the cheek only and everybody shouting and i saw her friend giggling.then one night she pm me on facebook she said thankyou 10000000x and she ask what kind of perfume i spray on the gift.can you give me some advice if this girl like me or just she is friendly because some times i see her smiling on other guy but i feel when she smile and stare at me is different because when we do eye contact whenever i look away she will not stop staring at me... or she like this other boy because she said it to him that if you can wait for the right time...please give some advice because i am curious. Big Grin

- JFK - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM
