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Instagram-ish app for android? - Printable Version

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Instagram-ish app for android? - Nameless - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

Is there any apps for android phones that are kind of like instagram? I have found this picplz thing, or whatever it's called, but it's not quite the same. Also, does anyone know if instagram is ever coming to the android market? I'm the only one in my family without and iPhone. I still don't regret buying an HTC Desire S instead, but I love instagram!

- Alex - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

The two main ones are Pixlr-o-matic and Lightbox. To be honest, they aren't exactly like Instagram and there may be some major differences. Instagram is a very original app and there is nothing quite like it now. Lightbox I would say is the best right now for Android. The Android version for Instagram is under private "beta" testing. So there is an Android version, but it is not released yet and there is no solid release date. It is coming, though! (Along with other iOS apps like Temple Run this year.) I'm glad you don't regret buying your phone because the Desire is a great Android phone. Smile