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What would the police do about a hacked Facebook account? - Printable Version

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What would the police do about a hacked Facebook account? - SwirlyBubble - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

What would the police do about a hacked Facebook account with no harassment or bullying on there whatsoever?

I'm asking this for a friend, as she is planning to call the police about her hacked Facebook account... I honestly think she's a bit crazy for doing that,

Please help and answer! Thanks Smile

- Artemisc - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

They won't care in the least. Hacking a Facebook account isn't illegal unless the person does something to cause harm. If she calls 911 they may charge her.

- Zach - 02-19-2014 01:06 PM

I don't think they would do anything. If there were serious problems like harassment and bullying as you said then they might do something. Just have your friend change their password is all you have to do.

- Fola - 02-19-2014 01:13 PM

Laugh in your face?

- doriand32 - 02-19-2014 01:21 PM

Honestly? Nothing. Unless you have proof of viable harassment, the police won't do a single thing and even less if its on the internet. Sorry. The best thing I'd suggest your friend do is a) change the password IMMEDIATELY and b) Unfriend anyone that she might think could have done it. Also, you might want to have her go through the security settings on her facebook account. Worst case: start up a new facebook account; it's not that hard, but it does suck. Good luck!

- Xyso - 02-19-2014 01:26 PM

Sadly, they probably won't do anything about it at all because there's no harm done. I'm sure she's P.O.'ed about it, but that's about all.

- Simply RED - 02-19-2014 01:30 PM

They'll do nothing but put it in their books. Besides, they have more important issues to handle like theft, murders, kidnappings, etc.

Just tell your friend to secure her password, check her computer for virus and spyware (I recommend both Avast and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware), and avoid using proxy servers where account passwords can be intercepted.

- Mister Answerman - 02-19-2014 01:37 PM

The questions they may ask her are"what makes you think it has been hacked?" What did you have in their that could be detrimental to your well being?" etc.. Basically, all she can do is report it to Facebook and then she could just change her password.

Many people aceess their account from a PC that is no their own (school, library, internet cafe, a friends PC, etc) then they forget to log out and then the next user can see that she didn't log out and make changes etc..

- DrDave - 02-19-2014 01:44 PM

Not a thing. True hacking would be taken care of by the Feds. Secondly, they wouldn't waste time with your so called "hacked" facebook unless there was a SERIOUS crime committed. Lastly, you people USUALLY yell hacked and don't even know what the term means. Most of the time, someone either logs on to as public computer and forgets to log off, blatantly blabs their personal info all over the net, or last but not least has a keylogger on their PC a sibling or someone put there. This is in NO way, shape, or form, considered hacking. It's considered the users stupidity in using a computer. Learn what technical computer terms mean from now on BEFORE you use them.