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Does he like me at all? I dont really understand...? - Printable Version

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Does he like me at all? I dont really understand...? - Pinkmartini - 02-19-2014 12:50 PM

So 2 weeks ago I arrived in Ireland as an international student. From the first day I really like a guy I met but we didn't see each other for several days. On last Wednesday I had arranged with some friends to go for a coffee and they invited him. We spoke all together and it was really fun. With that guy we hear the same music so we discused a little about that and we said maybe we could go all together again to a party the next day. When I returned home he sent me some songs on facebook and we talked. The next day was the party and we run into each other again, we danced alot and then at some point he asked me if he could kiss me, I said yes so we kissed. We returned home together and again he sent me some other songs on facebook and we talked again.
After that we didnt spoke very much, and when we went to the same pub by accident he seemed to avoid me.. At first I didnt do anything, I thought that maybe he didnt want something more(which is ok with me) but at some point because he was really avoiding me I asked him if everything is ok between us. And then he started to talk to me, we really discussed a lot of things and when we returned at home(again the 2 of us) we sent some songs we like and we spoke for 2 hours. And after that he just kept avoiding me once again.
Now I'm really confussed, at first I thought maybe he is just shy(it looks like he's extremely shy and a little inexperienced) but every time I have to talk first...and he keeps avoiding me. He sent me some random messages on fb after some days we hadnt talk at all and at some point he sent a group message to arrange something with me and our friends, but he didnt show up. And the next day he didnt come to a party I think because of me. Today though I was suppose to cook for some friends and he showed up even though I didnt invite him... What is happening? i really dont understand... I think I like him a lot, even if I dont really want to..

- ANGGELICA - 02-19-2014 12:58 PM

either he has a gf or he was really drunk when he kissed you

- Chell - 02-19-2014 01:01 PM

I'm from ireland and I think I can help you out here a little. (I've lived abroad for a little while also)

In ireland the dating scene is different than other places. see, generally when you're on a night out you might kiss someone (Called a shift, feek, meet, or get-with depending what part of the country you're from.)
this, is generally just for fun and has nothing to do with dating. you may also exchange numbers, but not always.

if this person continues to text you, and you keep shifting after, you are then officially (well not officially lines are blurry i'll admit) shifting/ seeing eachother. this can be exclusive, but is mostly an open relationship and it is not considered bad if you shift someone else juring this time, seeing as you're not going out.

finally you have "going out" with someone. this is a relationship. one person will ask (generally the lad, lets face it, gender roles still exist even a little, but if you ask and he says yes, good on you.) both parties must agree and it will be very clear if you're going out.

I probably could have answered without explaining that, but seeing as you're from abroad it will help a little to know what the dating (ahem, shifting) scene is like.

If you go to a pub/nightclub with him again it'll be easy to talk, (it's always easy with a bit of drink in you) and you can shift again, then keep talking to him, and soon you'll be seeing eachother, then once you do that a while he'll probably ask you out.

good luck.

- Danger - 02-19-2014 01:09 PM

Well sweetheart, take a deep breath and just relax. you should tell him in person how you feel about him , Tell him about your insecurities and why you feel this way. You opening up to him will show him you are prepared to be vulnerable with him and he may just fall in love with you beause of it. Well Good LUCK! and god bless