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I am trying to make a successful facebook page but I am failing help? - Printable Version

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I am trying to make a successful facebook page but I am failing help? - Bob_The_Builder - 02-19-2014 12:51 PM

I Had this page for about a month now and I only have 53 likes. I really want it to go well but it just doesn't work out! I tried inviting my friends and only some liked it and I actually am not willing to pay for advertisement or anything. Please can you help? I am DYING for it to be successful!
The page is
Thank you SO much if you help!
I am not actually trolling people, that is just a name... It's only funny pictures! That's about it.

- abraXus - 02-19-2014 12:55 PM

most people arent going to want to be associated with trolling, since people are getting deleted often these days for doing that

if i assumed it was trolling-based, so will many other people - sometimes the name can be a turn off

- Justin - 02-19-2014 12:57 PM

1. You've only had it a month, like anything it needs time to grow.
2. Your first ideas for facebook pages/websites won't always be succesful
3. If you truly believe, put hard work into your posts on the page, and market effectively you can at least be noticed.
4. Don't expect success, strive for it.

- greatmoon852 - 02-19-2014 01:02 PM

A suggestion join groups that have the same interests as your group and if you can post the link to your page their, also you might want post your page on some other pages that have the same interests as your page do.

- Brian - 02-19-2014 01:08 PM

The best way to get your page a bunch of likes for free is to contact/message LOCAL business pages with a lot of traffic and tell them who you are and simply ask them to like your page. I have a local weather site and got 250 likes in maybe 2 months. by doing just that. You gotta target the right people when you ask people to like you. After you do that, google/facebook will suggest your page automatically (same as paid advertisement but FREE) Smile

- Spieler - 02-19-2014 01:12 PM

its a good page
there are good photos in it
but the thing is that there are just too many pages and sites out there that are related to trolling photos
if you need to make this page successful youve got a problem since like i said there are just too many
so you have too try 2x the effort they did
im willing to help you
if you want my help
i can add around a 150 more people
maybe more
press on my profile and then on email me
and email me
hope i helped Smile