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How to get popular and become instagram famous? - Printable Version

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How to get popular and become instagram famous? - James - 02-19-2014 02:35 PM

I have 4.4k followers on instagram. I would like to know how i could start gaining more and getting more likes. I would love to become sorta famous maybe having around 15k. I wanna be that guy at school with the most followers. Lol.
my i.g is @kingjamesbass
any advice or tips i would love to hear. Please no hate.

- Amanda Finkovich - 02-19-2014 02:45 PM

Dont follow a lot of people. only post pictures like, once a day and less. you may need to use an app at first.
oh. and follow me of course. i only have like 400 followers. Sad uhhmanduhhhh