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Why do parents find it so amusing to embarrass their children? - Printable Version

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Why do parents find it so amusing to embarrass their children? - PAX - 02-19-2014 04:13 PM

Yesterday for example, my mom told her 497 friends on Facebook that I lost my virginity. ( This isn't even true. She just suspected it because I stayed at my girlfriend's house the day before yesterday )

I really love her but she needs to stop doing the kinds of things.

- Ben - 02-19-2014 04:14 PM

You need to tell ur mom to stop asap. She can't be saying shit like that. Its not only disrespectful but its emotionally harmful to you and distant of her. Believe me, if you involve other people in this conversation, they will back you up.

- Dr. Stephanie - 02-19-2014 04:25 PM

You really ought to tell her how you felt about this. I agree that she should stop doing it. I'm sure, however, that her "497 friends" don't all know her, care what she says, etc. They are most likely friends of friends of friends, and haven't ever even met her.

- Casey - 02-19-2014 04:30 PM

Just because she's you're mom, it doesn't mean she can embarrass you like that. And even if you did lose your virginity, why should her friends know?? You should really just tell her that that's very disrespectful and even if you did lose your virginity, it's none of her friends' business.. It probably wouldn't be any of her business either..