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How do I get 400 friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I get 400 friends on facebook? - B A - 02-19-2014 04:42 PM

I looked at one of my real facebook friends profile and he has like 400 friends. I only have 2 friends on my facebook of people that I have personally met.

I am worried people will think I am a loser for only have 2 friends on facebook so want to add some cool people I have seen on facebook.

If I send a friends request to someone and they reject me will I get a rejection message saying this person rejected my friends request. I'm a little scarred to add people I have not met as I find rejection hard.

- K - 02-19-2014 04:49 PM

Well maybe you should just search people that you actually know and add them. A lot of people have FB these days and you'd be surprised who youd find. You dont want to be one of those weird people who add just random people and no one knows who you are. If you are rejected from a friend request it won't tell you. Best of luck.

- Josh - 02-19-2014 04:59 PM

People rarely reject on Facebook. I think it's because they are also trying to get a lot of "friends."

However, I think it would be better to have a small group of people that you are close to versus a large group that you barely know.

Facebook also tries to recommend people that you know based on the number of friends you have in common with that person. It also searches for people that went to the same school as you.

If you just want random people there are tons of groups on Facebook just for that. Search "add me."

- Lolypop - 02-19-2014 05:05 PM



- Ambush - 02-19-2014 05:14 PM

Look for people you know. It's okay to have not a lot of friends on facebook- it means you're just friends with people you actually KNOW and TALK TO. I always kinda think the people with 400+ friends are kinda lame. Most of them are just random people.

If you decide you still want tons and tons of friends, get rid of all personal information on your account. Also, pictures are up to you but inadvisable, especially if you have any embarrassing ones. You can post on public pages (fan pages mostly), join groups, and play games.

- JoonHo* - 02-19-2014 05:22 PM

First of all, PLEASE and only add people you talk to or at least met, don't be adding everyone just for the friend's. You can have a lot of friends on FaceBook but that wouldn't make you look cool.

- Emily - 02-19-2014 05:31 PM

seriously hun how could 1 person have 400 friends in real life? no.. never...
so ppl who have 200+ friends on FB.. their friends are the random ppl they just met on the net.
i bet they have never met these " friends" in real life before. lame huh?

i would strongly recommend u to add only ppl u personally know in REAL LIFE.
just think about it?
if u keep adding random ppl sure u will get 400+ friends in a few months.
but what's the point in doin it? and how are u supposed to keep in touch with all of them?
impossible. so again... it's lame