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Side parting mens hairstyle that's shorter on sides? - Printable Version

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Side parting mens hairstyle that's shorter on sides? - Wyatt - 02-19-2014 07:00 PM

I've been looking at some pictures and I found a cool hair style I liked but I can't seem to find it again, does anyone know of a hairstyles picture or somthing where it's medium long on top and a side part but pretty short on the sides? If so please leave links thank you

- Andrew - 02-19-2014 07:03 PM

I was skeptical of the idea of flash-anything when I first heard the term bandied about by my friend and colleague the fiction writer Rich Chiappone. It seemed like a product of the times, the era of the flash-in-your-face Facebook post, the text, the lol and btw and luv and yo of writing. And yet, I am a poet as well as an essayist. And the magic of poetry lies in its compression. William Carlos Williams famously called a poem “a small (or large) machine made out of words.” You could use that one short sentence as a case in point. Each syllable matters. The parentheses matter. The word “machine” expands in the brain like a giant thought-bubble. What kind of machine? A trash compactor? A canner? A Rolex? A sewing machine? A riveter? I think the exact definition could be applied to an essay, short or long. Flash non-fiction is a small machine made out of sentences (which are made out of words). Because it is so small that you need special tools and a magnifying glass to take it apart and understand how it works, shows you just how intricate a machine it is.