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Does it seem to anyone else that most modern "conservatives" aren't actually conservative at all? - Printable Version

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Does it seem to anyone else that most modern "conservatives" aren't actually conservative at all? - G - 02-19-2014 09:12 PM

How can people who supposedly love personal freedoms and sovereignty support marriage restrictions between consenting adults, prohibitions on all kinds of drugs, and even dominion over what happens inside a woman's own uterus? Funny how the whole "small government" thing only applies when they want it to. They seem EVERY BIT as controlling as their liberal counterparts, just in different areas.

- Alvin Colmes - 02-19-2014 09:27 PM

No, but liberals not wanting to accept responsibility, consequences or stigma might have that attitude.....LOL

- Alex the Awesome - 02-19-2014 09:42 PM

It's completely true. Republicans and Democrats both want control over people, they just want control over different things. As a result, everyone loses.

- Sarah - 02-19-2014 09:49 PM

Republicans are good at one thing: talking points. They have spent the better part of the past century making ridiculous claims about how "personally responsible" and "fiscally responsible" and "freedom loving" they are, but their actual policies never match their rhetoric.

- Eric - 02-19-2014 09:55 PM

Unnatural sex and child murder is an abomination. Its not really a political issue, its a moral issue. you cant just let a bunch of clowns create their own version of society when the rest of us are following the real rules.

- Liberal Smasher - 02-19-2014 10:07 PM

You are right many of us don't belong to any party. We just really hate liberals and their god forsaken party known as demonrats. We'd join any party that sticks it to our number one enemy. I would rather support communist and fascists before I would ever support a liberal. Oh and the enemy of my enemy (liberals) is my friend.

- George S - 02-19-2014 10:19 PM

Conservatives don't necessarily support personal freedom. That is a policy of the true liberals sharing the Republican Party with them.

You are confused because progressives stole the liberal label and renamed true liberals "conservative" so they could do that.

Below are accurate definitions. Today in the US most progressives and some socialists fraudulently call themselves "liberal."

True liberalism advocates: individual freedom, weak government, and free markets. Progressives advocate: social concern, omniscient government, and controlled markets. Socialism advocates: social responsibility, omnipresent government, and collective markets. Conservatism advocates: moral responsibility, strong government, and protected markets ("neo-cons" with international businesses have adopted freer market policies).

- Retired Navy: CMAA - 02-19-2014 10:25 PM

In California the number one group fighting gay marriage were black Democrats. I dare you to go get in their face about it. Let us know if you survive the task.

- Heretic - 02-19-2014 10:38 PM

Ultra conservatives are actually quite liberal. They possess several homes when one would be sufficient Give freely to medical science when they are ill and give liberally to charities when tax deductions are imminent! They are also quite liberal when it comes to preventing taxes that might benefit the poor by pouring money on candidates who might put a stop to it!

- Mobro - 02-19-2014 10:41 PM

So you finally get it. Both parties are authoritarian, but only in different areas. We need a libertarian political party as opposed to an authoritarian one. Unfortunately, Americans seem to like big government now to take care of them and be involved in their everyday lives. However, with abortion, I would argue the right to life is more important than the right to liberty. The other areas you mentioned I agree that the government should have no say in