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HTC Desire, Ridiculous data usage!? - Printable Version

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HTC Desire, Ridiculous data usage!? - Mel - 02-19-2014 09:29 PM

I have a HTC desire and get 250MB of internet per month, all of which I have somehow used in one day today!
I have now turned off the mobile internet and data use but still have no idea where it all went. According to a data app, it has used:

618MB in total today
949kB on facebook
393kB on Android Market
and a little more on some other apps.

I'm not the most clued up person when it comes to technology but I'm fairly sure that this doesn't add up, any idea what else could be happening here?


- ScσττRΛSC³ - 02-19-2014 09:42 PM

It could just be the fact that you are running Android.
At least that's what this CNN article claims

- Cressalys - 02-19-2014 09:46 PM

I have the HTC Evo Shift 4g and I know my crazy phone is always syncing everything whether the syncing symbol on the top comes up or not. Try turning data sync off because it sounds like every time somebody on Facebook comments on your status or updates their own that your phone refreshes the app automatically.

The Android Market app refreshes every time there's an update for an app which happens quite a lot.

Do you have roaming guard on? Make sure your roaming is not set on Automatic or else your phone will roam every time you lose your default signal.

Also make sure that you have some sort of app killer. I prefer Battery Doctor as it "kills" your apps to that they only start up when you click on them and when your done with them make sure you "kill" them again so that they don't continue running in the background.

I hope I helped Smile