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I'm Obsessed With Hating on a Celebrity? - Printable Version

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I'm Obsessed With Hating on a Celebrity? - How Are You? - 02-19-2014 10:10 PM

Okay, I'm not going to tell you who because she's not that big of a star, but she's still pretty famous. The thing is, I know she doesn't care, because she doesn't even know I exist, but I still feel soooo guilty. And I've NEVER sent her hate trough twitter or any other social media, but sometimes, I will go on gossip sites and leave rude comments. In the comments, I'll say she's a bad singer/dancer/actress, and **** like that, but I've NEVER called her ugly or fat or anything because I have low self esteem and I know I wouldn't want anyone saying that about me. Why do I feel so damn guilty about this? I think it might have something to do with the fact that I used to get bullied and I kinda feel like I'm bullying her in a way. Like seriously, I hate when she gets any type of attention in the media. If they talk about her on TV, I get so pissed off, and if I hear one of her songs on the radio, I get pissed off because I just don't want people talking about her because I don't want her to get any recognition, I can't ******* wait until she's irrelevant in two or three years. I google her constantly, and I can't stop thinking about her. It's ruining my ******* life. How do I change this? I want to be a nice person again :/ Thank you. God Bless.

And no, it's not Miley Cyrus, or Taylor Swift.

This isn't a joke either. I hate myself and I feel crazy because of this. I think I might be jealous of her, because I always wanted to be beautiful, and be a singer/dancer/actress, but I know it will probably never happen. :/

- Jen - 02-19-2014 10:16 PM

you need to get a life