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Does anyone have good Study Tips for a College Student? - Printable Version

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Does anyone have good Study Tips for a College Student? - Veronica - 02-19-2014 10:12 PM

I'm in college and have no idea how to study or know what I should be studying because I literally I think everything in all my textbooks is important and want to highlight it all or just rewrite everything from the textbook in my own notes.
When I read my textbooks that have walls of words, I read two pages and have no idea what I read, my mind always wants to wander and think of other random things. Then I just get frustrated about it.

I do attend class every day and on time and take notes during class. But on my own I just freak out (its my first year in college, no older siblings to look up to, neither parent attended college so there's no point in asking them for help)

- Mary - 02-19-2014 10:22 PM

First-go to class. If the professor says it twice, it probably important. Do the assigned problems and more if you do not understand it. Go to office hours and ask questions. Go to the tutoring center.

Second of all-get rid of the video games, tv out of your room. Get rid of the games /facebook off your computer.

Three find a quiet place to study-library.

four-Get an index card and read one sentence at the time.

Hope this helps

I am a PT