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What do people think of other people who aren't into social media? - Printable Version

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What do people think of other people who aren't into social media? - Sarah - 02-19-2014 11:35 PM

Like facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, keek, tumblr and etc. Do they think they're secretive or anti-social? Give me your opinion.

- 684 - 02-19-2014 11:44 PM


- 黒悪魔 - 02-19-2014 11:51 PM


- Valley - 02-20-2014 12:05 AM

There More aware of reality! They know how to have a conversation in real life...When there out with friends there talking to those friends not people on the internet!!!!

- Menuka - 02-20-2014 12:10 AM

Great will power, I guess. Personally, I just use facebook and nothing else. But it's been a long while since I haven't really done anything on facebook. I am not really busy or anything, it is just not interesting anymore. I spend time watching people on youtube instead or watch movies but don't interact via twitter and sites of that nature.

- Uvié 🌸 - 02-20-2014 12:26 AM

That's me!!!!!! Yes it is!!!!!!!!!!!
And I think that they are SMART people, and are not in need of stupid electronical entertainment to give them a purpose in life. They can find other things to do, like hiking, or reading a book, instead of wasting time on a social network. No, they are not necessarily antisocial, though I like to be alone... and I don't know why you think that just cause they're not a damn lemming like everyone else it means they're antisocial.
We are LEADERS. More individual than the others who follow the sheople. (Yes, that's a word.) I am HAPPY to not have any Facebook, instagram, or whatnot accounts.
We don't need to share our personal experiences with the entire world, either, cause really: who the fuck cares?

- muffin - 02-20-2014 12:39 AM

I used to have a facebook, twitter, instagram, vine, and tumblr. And myspace when that was still around, haha.

The only one I still have is an instagram. I deleted everything else. I am a secretive person, but that isn't why I deleted all my social media sites. The first to go was myspace, but that's because I moved on to facebook. I had it for about 3 years before deactivating and reactivating it until I finally decided to delete it permanently.

I think I can focus more on myself and the people I really care about and the relationships I already have without all the social media. I'm no longer reading about others lives. I'm not wrapped up in things that have nothing to do with me. I don't care about other peoples drama, or even really hear about it. I love it. I'm so happy without facebook, actually. I didn't really post on it too much, but I was constantly checking it and wandering about other people and what they were doing. I don't know why, it just became a way to waste time.

Eventually, I got really annoyed with people. Posting random things that aren't important. The point of social media, I think, is to share the important moments of your lives with others. Not write your life story, or stupid unimportant details. Like, I really don't care if you just ate lunch. No on cares. Why would someone care about that? I just think people wrote anything because they want attention or just to say something, no matter how unimportant.

Obviously, what someone posts on their facebook is their business, and I have no right to tell people what they should and shouldn't be posting. Instead of being one of those people who complains about people complaining on facebook, I deleted my own. It was honestly the best decision.

I deleted tumblr cause I had no followers, actually. Whats the point of a blog if no one is going to look at it?(It was more of a "secret" blog, though. I like that about tumblr, you can be anonymous.) I just don't like vine. Twitter is dumb too, haha. Instagram is just the easiest to use, I think. I don't have to worry about people writing long paragraphs about something stupid. And anyone can follow me, but I don't have to follow them and worry about what they post coming up in my newsfeed.

I think people who don't use social media realize that you don't need social media to be social. They understand that having a facebook and being friends with someone on there doesn't make you friends in real life. And they're more focused on whats going on in their life, not others. (:

- 073 - 02-20-2014 12:45 AM

I personally have two thoughts: one, wow you don't know what you are missing ie using Facebook. I only befriend my spiritual sisters ie Jehovah's Witnesses and so my wall has only up building things and those who post, are in need of encouragement and so I can give that etc. So for that reason, lol I think: oh dear if only you knew hehehe

The other thought is: well done because it can rule one's life. I know many who have stopped using Facebook - only to go back to using it again Big Grin

If anything I find that I am "prejudged" for using Facebook ie I get that "sad" look which makes me laugh. It is like: wow don't you have a life and I think: of course I do - online hehehehehe

I only use Facebook; do have a twitter account now because I could not stand how people are so horribly rude to Taylor Swift and so I joined to "defend" and I do not mean: to be noticed by her for I am realistic enough to know that is not going to happen. Just the idea that she scrolls down and sees all these nasty twitters and then comes to mine, where I am supporting her and may be bring a smile to her face - well is enough for me. But other than that - don't use it!