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2 part question. Would a guy check out a girls Facebook profile even if he knows her? - Printable Version

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2 part question. Would a guy check out a girls Facebook profile even if he knows her? - readytorock - 02-20-2014 12:51 AM

There's this guy I grew up with and I always had the biggest crush on him. Now that I'm older and think about it I'm pretty sure he was diggin me too. Anyways, I've known he's been on Facebook for at long time and I've just ignored him in the "people you may know" section. Not because I don't want to request him, I'm just scared to. See, we never talked much when we were kids and in middle school things got awkward between us. We always had mutual friends and we hung out a lot with them together but because I liked him so much I never really knew how to be his friend. Now we're both in college and regardless of how mature I should be about this whole thing I've been wondering:

If I request him and he accepts will he look at my profile, pics, etc. even though we haven't spoken in years?


Should I even request him to begin with? It's not that I'm trying to be a stalker and will look at his page endlessly (I actually plan on viewing his profile once and forgetting about it) but I wonder sometimes if he's seen that I'm on Facebook and just didn't want to request me. I guess I'm really afraid of what he'll think. I know it sounds like I'm still crushing on the child but I really would like to say 'hi' one of these days. Should I request him or leave it be?

Thanks Smile

- Kylee - 02-20-2014 01:05 AM

i'd say just to add him , it's not like he's going to flip out cause you added him . Half the time people dont know half of the people on there friends lists so i wouldnt worry about it , it's not like you HAVE to talk to him if he adds you . also , he probably will look at your pictures and wall if you do add him because i know that when someone adds me i always look at there profile . so id just go with it , you said yourself that it was along time ago that you crushed on him so it should mean anything to him now exepet the past , maybe you guys could even crete new friend ship . also , he probably did see you in the mutual friends aand didnt add you for the same reason youy didnt add him , but anyway , i hope i helped & i wish you the best of luck .

- A Name - 02-20-2014 01:07 AM

I almost always check the Facebook profile of everyone I become friends with, male or female. That's just me though. Some people are too busy or they really don't care enough. I do it because I am interested in knowing a few things about every person I know, and it's interesting to see how different people set up their FB profiles.

The question of who should take the initiative between a male or a female is very difficult to answer, and it's basically what you're struggling with. The way I am able to add somebody is by finding an excuse to do so.

Let's be honest, you probably don't care too much about what other people think in this situation (even this guy) - you just feel the need to justify all of your actions. Fortunately for you, you have two excuses:

1. He's an old friend
2. You want to be friends with him so badly that you asked about it on Yahoo Answers

The answer is in plain sight imo: you should definitely request him as a friend.

To answer your other question: yes, it's very likely that he will look at your profile, especially since you were old friends and especially if he likes you.

By the way, if it helps: the thing I like most about a girl is when she shows interest in me and/or getting to know me. Sometimes girls I don't like will try to push it too far, but adding someone as a friend on Facebook is not pushing at all. This is why Facebook is popular in the first place imo.