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Have you ever travelled to a place with strangers and missed them since separating? - Printable Version

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Have you ever travelled to a place with strangers and missed them since separating? - Ally - 02-20-2014 02:54 AM

I just got back from a week of road travel with 4 other people. We saw amazing mountains and beaches in Australia. I didn't know any of them in the beginning and it began a little awkward. But over the course of 7 days i've grown so close to them. As though we've known each other forever even though it also feels like i met them yesterday.

When people travel with friends they're able to return home with their friends and their shared experiences. But these girls/guys are leaving Australia in the next week. We can't meet again because everyone's so busy. I'm so sad about them leaving here, it actually feels as bad as a break up. Can someone give me some advice to get over this. It doesn't help that i also liked one of the guys on this road trip (he doesn't know). It hurts to know that if they were to stay here, we'd be good friends. But because they're not we basically will never see/ speak to each other again. They don't have Facebook either.

- Willeke - 02-20-2014 03:07 AM

Ever heard of exchanging home addresses and e-mail addresses?
You can send letters and/or e-mails, you do not have to do everything by facebook.

Yes, I have been through that stage many times.
The first time is worst as you do not yet have the experience how you handle it in the longer run.
After that first travel I exchanged letters with one of the others in the group and we did manage to meet up a few times over the years.
But with most people you will have less in common and in daily life you would find that they do not fit in that well.

On the other hand, my current best friend is someone I met on a one day boat show (we were both with people exhibitioning there) and we turned out to live in the same village. I also know of people who married someone they met on one holiday and kept in contact with.

So make sure you give them your address and send them a few letters or e-mails over the course of the next year. Maybe you can meet again on an other holiday if plans work out.

- 765 - 02-20-2014 03:11 AM

With technology, Communication is not impossible. You can always ask for their email or their mailing address or maybe their phone number! You can stay in touch and tell them how you would like to keep in touch. I am sure they might feel the same way.

It is hard especially the first one's that you meet. Its like separation anxiety really but all will be well. It gets better by time. Just keep communications open and maybe meet up a few times a year to catch up. No door of friendship closes if you don't let it.

Good luck!