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how to get more followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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how to get more followers on twitter? - Mll - 02-20-2014 03:09 AM

I only have 46 followers and I want to have more. How do I get more?

- Hakan - 02-20-2014 03:17 AM

you could look up twitter follow for follow. Where you just follow people and they will follow you back which is the easy way out. Our you could bust your ass and spread your link everywhere and earn it but that is nearly impossible because people are to self absorbed to care about others these days. Here is a site I found on google

- JoCeLyNe - 02-20-2014 03:22 AM

What I used to do was retweet posts of people that say that if you retweet their post, you'll get more followers. It actually worked but you would only get 2-3 random followers per retweet. So I just retweeted numerous posts. I went from 30 to 70+.

- Angeli Nicole - 02-20-2014 03:28 AM

First of all, Pick the right picture. This is the only first impression you get, don’t blow it. The most important thing to remember is that you must choose a picture that can be identified when it is small. You may find a great shot from when the light was hitting you just right that day but if people can’t tell what it is, it doesn’t matter. For a personal account, use a simple picture of your face. Using a picture of your cat or favorite cartoon character might make people think you’re a spammer.

Second, Write a good bio. After looking at your picture, people will generally read your bio next. People on Twitter aren’t known for their patience, so don’t get overzealous when describing yourself. Just briefly write what you do and what you like. Feel empowered to use a little bit of humor, you don’t have to but it will be appreciated. Or try something likable and genuine like, "I'm just a little girl inf ront of the world, asking you to follow me."

Third, Tweet. This might seem like a no-brainer, but updating consistently is the best way to keep followers. It isn’t very appealing to follow someone who tweets every three months. Unless you’re tweeting pictures of bunnies wearing hats, which might be enough to sustain an infrequently visited Twitter, you will need a little bit more meat. Now, this doesn’t mean tweet about every little thing that pops into your head, spare the entire Internet and only write things you are passionate about. There isn’t really a magic number for tweets, but shoot for updating twice a day or so.

Fourth, Retweet. A retweet is a great way to connect with people that have similar interests. If you retweet a really cool article about the space station then someone else can see that when they search for the space station, and they might end up retweeting you. That gets your name out to some more people. Some sites will tell you to ask others to retweet you, but I have yet to figure out a graceful way to do that.

Fifth, Use hashtags. Hashtags are a magical, magical thing. They can be used to be sassy, to further explain a point or to put more eyes on your tweet. Using hashtags that are trending is a great way to get more readers because you will come up if someone searches that particular tag. It is possible to overdo it a bit on hashtags. I am a big believer in keeping it to only one a two per tweet. If you are posting a picture of a banana you don’t have to include obvious terms like “#banana #food #yellow.” No one is going to search for these terms and it just makes you look ridiculous.

Sixth, Follow people that have similar interest. Though you will probably end up doing this already because you will follow people you like, this is a great way to grab some followers. If you follow people who share your interests, they are generally more likely to follow you back and retweet you. This exposes you to all of their followers who also share the same interests. From there, the cycle continues: they will retweet and their followers with similar interests will see it. You get it. Give the people what they want, as long as they want the same things you do.

Well Anyway, Hope this helps! Seriously, you don't need a lot of followers just to be popular. All you have to do is try to be yourself. Big Grin Contact me if you want more questions to be answered.