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What is so great about changing to new timeline on FB? - Printable Version

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What is so great about changing to new timeline on FB? - Zelda - 02-20-2014 03:26 AM

Everyday one of my friends has changed. Why? I like the old way. Thanks!

- abraXus - 02-20-2014 03:30 AM

well eventually everyone will be converted, even you, without a choice

there are a lot of new features in the timeline version which make organizing things a lot easier, and more logical

but lots of people still prefer the old profile because it's what they are used to, and dont want to have to re-learn what they know

- Vincent - 02-20-2014 03:39 AM

There is no great thing Zelda. The reason why so many people have changed over is one of two things. When they first introduced it last summer some people tried it and hated it so they went back. Back in December Facebook made it so that whoever tried Timeline months ago their profile would automatically switch over. Kind of a b*tch move by Facebook for doing that. Another reason why people are switching over is when people visit a profile that has Timeline on it, Facebook is shoving into the users face that they should try the new timeline by having this advertising like banner at the top saying GET TIMELINE NOW. Its facebook's propaganda to convert to their crappy new layout which the majority either hates or do not care for it. Thats why you have fan pages that read I HATE THE NEW TIMELINE or timeline sucks! etc you can even look it up yourself. So many different fan pages filled with 20,000, 2,000, 5,000 users etc The new timeline stinks because its confusing, the wall is ugly and annoying to read. Its cumbersome, busy (too much going on, and just random things like the friends list not being in order in case you wanted to look up someone on someones elses friends list. If they have the public search turned off you can't look them up in the search bar of the friends list you would have to find them going through alphabetical order. Now now they randomized the whole friends list so you can't find anyone. FB do this on purpose just like they purposely made it harder for people adding friends on facebook.

- zig - 02-20-2014 03:42 AM

Because its new and next thing. A lot of people hate it complaining that it made their computer move slow.

Timeline made it more organized in a way so you or your friend can easily find an older post by the year. Photos can be managed around a bit also.

But you would have to learn everything all over again about what FB is all about once you change it to Timeline. Eventually every will be forced to use it. You wont have a choice. You will have one week of review and learn period now.