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How to get a younger guy to like me? - Printable Version

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How to get a younger guy to like me? - Lauren - 02-20-2014 03:32 AM

I like this boy who's a grade below me 6 grade I'm in 7 grade. He follows me on Instagram, and one of my 6 grade friends tried to hook me up with him it didn't work then another one of my 6 grade friends tried there's a picture of what happend. Sad how can I get him to like me I really like him and I see him a lot at basketball games

- Day - 02-20-2014 03:38 AM

i understand that you like him but honestly kids in 6th grade rlly are not "developed" yet. like their facial features and body should shoot for a sexy 8th grade guy, or even a guy in your grade. you cant do anything to make someone like you but it helps alot if you do the following:
1. wear deoardant, shower daily, wear perfume, and brush your teeth!
2. wear clean clothes, don;t wear the same thing twice in the same week, or even every week
3. make sure you brush your hair, it doesnt hurt to strraighten, or curl it either
4. makeup. don't over do it if you wear it. keep it simple. just mascara and light eyeliner, maby a little powder foundation.
5. wash your face! try to keep your skin clear.
6. it never hurts to change up your look. maybe change how you part your hair or how you do your makeup.
if you do these things then it will make you more presentable. more physically likeable. now just make sure you and this guy are emotionaly compatable.