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A girl wont follow me back? - Printable Version

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A girl wont follow me back? - Paul - 02-20-2014 03:48 AM

I kinda like this girl. We have never talked but she gives me glances and then looks away when our eyes meet. So I followed her on instagram and she accepted it but won't follow me back.

Does she like me or not?

- Tommy - 02-20-2014 03:58 AM

uve got it slightly wrong my friend..dnt take glances or not been followed as signs of like or dislike..good old fashion verbal communication is were u need to be heading 2wards..wen uve started the ball rolling with up from that.. wen I ad a Facebook account I ad a ppl following me and I sorta took offeoffence by it.. I hate facebook but I never b on instagram or wot ever it is..on ere its different cos ppl are interested in wot others av to say... not to watch every move u do ... so build up to eot ule day yo her and like I say.. be confident be brave and get cracking.. good luck... ;-)