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Why do people deactivate their Facebook profiles? - Printable Version

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Why do people deactivate their Facebook profiles? - roundlaborer411 - 02-20-2014 03:55 AM

Who do people delete their Facebook profiles and a few months later, they come back online briefly and delete it again? Is there something wrong?

- Evan - 02-20-2014 04:03 AM


- Wild - 02-20-2014 04:09 AM

they don't getting enough likes :DDD

- Midoz - 02-20-2014 04:16 AM

Checking for some updates and when they are done they remove it due to privacy, and to prevent time loss

- 12badayu - 02-20-2014 04:22 AM

They want the attention but are afraid.

- Curious Mind - 02-20-2014 04:23 AM

Bc Facebook is the stupidest website in the world. I hope everyone deletes that shit. To me it's nothing more than a popularity contest/a way to show off how ''great'' your life is . And don't get me started on the relationship statuses. Does the whole world REALLLYYY need to know how in love you are?..

- lou_300 - 02-20-2014 04:31 AM

I know some people who have deactivated their profiles due to harassment or hacking. Others intend to leave, but get bored and reactivate their profiles.