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how to get my band noticed in a professional way? - Printable Version

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how to get my band noticed in a professional way? - JJ Shatzby - 02-20-2014 06:27 AM

im in a band with my best friend. we sound great (in our opinion) and soon we are gonna post covers and our originals on youtube. but how do we get noticed by people who can make the dream happen? im a huge dreamer, ever since i was 3 i wanted to sing yeah i have a crazy dream but i want to make a difference.. i know it can take years to get noticed but where do i begin?

- Philip - 02-20-2014 06:39 AM

play in bars and try to set up a youtube channel or a facebook page and get in contact with small labels and carry one from there......

- Liz - 02-20-2014 06:48 AM

You begin by having singing lessons to make sure that you are using the correct techniques when you sing and are not likely to damage your voice. If you damage your voice by singing incorrectly that could be the end of the dream for ever.