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I think girls have it easier than guys.? - Printable Version

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I think girls have it easier than guys.? - Matt - 02-20-2014 06:51 AM

I'm not talking about a specific case of one scenario over the other. I'm asking based on what you have seen from a general spectrum of people. What gender has the easier life? I have to say I believe girls tend to have the easier lives. They really don't have to deal with the same dominance stereotype that males have to deal with in my opinion. Girls have to deal with the social stigma of the media of course and from peers, but in reality they can just block it out. Guys get physically and mentally tormented if they do not meet the standard set for them in society. Not to mention the psychological damage set out in those scenarios where they do not meet it. I am sure there are cases where physical torment has happened for girls. But in my opinion it is much more heavily seen in guys. Guys are forced into dominative positions in life, where the social stigma is to dominate further and further. It's a never ending struggle. Where girls have the social leniency to do what ever they want. With little to no fear of actual punishment. What do you think?

- 829 - 02-20-2014 06:59 AM

"What do you think?"

Yes, I think girls/women/females DO have it easier than boys/men/males in every way in life.

Here are some ways in which men have it worse than women :

Social/Legal discrimination (Misandry)
1) Harsher punishments for the same crime.
2) Unfair family courts - not getting custody for the child.
3) Male victims of DV not taken seriously.
4) Male victims of rape not taken seriously.
5) No special laws like VAWA to protect men, even though men are the majority of victims of violent crime.
6) For the same crime, irrespective of the gender of the offender - perpetrator gets more punishment if the victim is female rather than male. This shows the life of men is valued less than women.
7) Men can be conscripted into the army anytime. They cannot even vote without enrolling for the draft.
8) Violence against men by women is socially acceptable, celebrated in the media. Reverse is not true.
9) No/Very few shelters for male victims of DV.
10) No reservations for men in jobs, colleges, etc.. (Affirmative action for women)
11) Men stereotyped by society as being violent, abusers, etc.
12) Young men have to pay higher car/road insurance.
13) Young men in Singapore have to compulsorily serve 2 years in the army on turning 18.
14) Male infant circumcision/genital mutilation is legal and performed widely and even completely socially accepted.
15) Males enrolled in are often given tougher, more dangerous tasks to perform than women in the same post (in a job)
16) Males are expected to carry heavy things for women, give up their seats for women, shovel snow, mow gardens and do any other job involving back-breaking manual labor, that women do not wish to perform.
17) Males are expected to not show emotion and remain stoic, under any circumstance.
18) Males who complain about being objectified are shamed as being “mentally fragile” or their sexuality is questioned.
19) In the army, or any other position men have to meet much higher physical standards than women (disproportionately higher number of push ups, pull ups, etc..)
20) Many countries do not even recognize female on male rape. It can maximally only amount to “sexual assault”
21) Male children are often given harsher punishments by teachers for the same level of mischief as girls.
22) Men are expected to ask women out, pay for dates, decide on the venue – basically it’s the man’s job to impress the woman, and not vice versa.
23) Men have no reproductive choices. The only choice men have is to use a condom (which can fail upto 3-5% of the times) or not have intercourse. Whereas women in addition to a host of contraceptives, also have the choice of abortion.
24) Men’s lives are given less value in any situation. In any emergency, always women are rescued first.
25) When a man slaps a woman, he is an abuser and a monster, When a woman slaps a man, “he must have done something to annoy her”
26) Victim blaming is acceptable ONLY when men are the victims and women the perpetrator.
27) When a man breaks up with a woman, he is called a “jerk”. When a woman dumps a man, “he must have failed her somehow”
28) Males do not have the privilege of showing affection to each other in public, people start questioning their sexuality. This doesn’t apply to women.
29) Women have the choice of being a stay at home mum or going out to work. Men dont have that choice - that HAVE to be the provider!!

Biological disadvantages :
1)Hemophilia is a disease exclusive to White men.
2)Men have a shorter life span than women, especially in developed countries.
3)Young men are much, more likely to suffer a heart attack compared to women of the same age.
4)Men are more likely to suffer from hernias.

- ChiefTenBears - 02-20-2014 07:05 AM

I think.... you're gonna get a lot of ladies mad with that one...and a few guys.

- Amer - 02-20-2014 07:17 AM

My mom had a much harder life than my dad. She had to do all the cleaning, all the cooking, raised the kids, did everything. It was never good enough for my dad, he would yell at her anyway. All he did was go to work, that was it, he did nothing else, he lived like a king.

- idk - 02-20-2014 07:31 AM

a girl once told me, "Girls are bound to have a terrible life if they're generally ugly" Also, girls are constantly being made fun of by guys everytime they try to do what 'a guy does' such as when a girl is playing xbox, "That's a weird looking kitchen" And girls have to spend so much time making their face look 'perfectly beautiful' by spending countless time on make up. Also, mainly girls are targeted by disgusting men such as pedophiles and rapist. And apparantly, while us guys are praised for having sex, girls most of the time are called considered a 'hoe' to society. As for us guys, all we ever need is confidence and to be more dominant. And a lot of us don't really mind the sexist jokes girls make up about guys.

edit: i noticed my terrible grammar xD I must apologize, I was THAT sleepy. and i still am.

- Darren - 02-20-2014 07:44 AM

Not only that but girls are valued more by society.

Notice the news stories when a girl goes missing or is killed. It seems to always be treated as a bigger tragedy than if a guy is killed.
Or look how if a ship is sinking, people will still expect women to get off first.

Oh...and girls usually complain about how men judge them by looks, well girls usually judge guys by social status or financial security. So shallowness evens out in that department.

- Lauren - 02-20-2014 07:48 AM

I can see both sides..
For a male; 1-harder to get custody of child. 2-almost 90% of rape cases are not reported due to embarrassment and because it's not taken seriously. 3-they have a most strict punishment for the same crime. 4-people have high expectations of what all men should be like. 5- a bit personal to males.. But there 'downstairs' area is different sizes which can leave them being very self conscious, where as most female downstairs area are very much the same.
Females; 1-bleed every month. 2-have to carry a child for 9months. 3-give birth. 4-idolise social media and celebrities. 5-also people have expectations of what women should be like.
I'd say both sides have equal arguments..
But although I'm a girl, I would say men do have it tough however women do aswell.
But I agree they are worse ofSmile

- Morgan - 02-20-2014 07:56 AM

You are at risk of losing your Manlihood by asking this question. Just thought I would warn you. I'll do this point by point.

They really don't have to deal with the same dominance stereotype that males have to deal with
True, but they don't Get a dominance stereotype. They have a stereotype of being submissive instead.

Guys get physically and mentally tormented if they do not meet the standard set for them in society
That CAN be true. I doubt its common though. If you are being physically abused tell an adult or (If you are an adult) a police officer. Plus, woman can be picked on for being different too. (But usually in a way revolving around verbal ridicule rather then physical violence)

Not to mention the psychological damage set out in those scenarios where they do not meet it
Again, those scenarios are primarily physical. I guess females would be more psychologically scarred then men.

Guys are forced into dominative positions in life, where the social stigma is to dominate further and further

Firstly, we aren't actually forced, its just the norm to do so. Secondly, Women are 'forced' into the opposite situation. Where they are supposed to be housewives and clean and take care of kids.

Where girls have the social leniency to do what ever they want. With little to no fear of actual punishment.

In this politically correct world, society is generally somewhat accepting of women working and men housekeeping. (It's rare but not unheard of) Girls get called sluts and whores and other such derogatory terms. As a man, if (And it has happened before) someone calls me a whore, I laugh it off.
Because the chick below me listed the perks of being female I'll do the same for males

-getting paid more for doing the same work

-Being expected to work in a legitimate profession (Women often work as well, but they're generally expected to be housewives or some such)

Physical advantages

-Strength and physical prowess

Both genders have their and downs.

- Bianca Georgiana - 02-20-2014 07:58 AM

Hey,Matt ! In my opinion males have a much easier life as, usually, people act more tolerantly and put less pressure on guys than they do on women. For example, females have to look really good (e.g. Wax on most body parts, have a decent hairstyle, hide any blemishes,etc.) whereas seeing a man with hairy legs would just be 'casual'. Thefore, society has far greater expectations of females than they have of males. Besides people's opinion and those high standards we have to obey to, we have periods monthly, and have to suffer a lot of pain in order to give birth to a child. Back to society's vision on women, I must mention that perfection is 'demanded' of us, and naturality is considered plain gross and evidently not good enough. If it appears to you, or others, that women have certain 'perks' or get certain favours done, whereas men do not, must be kept in mind that those beautiful women make a huge effort to keep fit and decent-looking, as they are mainly jugded based on their aspect/appearance. In conclusion, I do not agree with your statement (that females have an easier life than males). Hope my answer is satisfactory. XX

- True Blue Brit - 02-20-2014 08:09 AM

Your expectations are that everyone fits into a pigeon hole. That all girls are alike. What happens when a girl doesn't meet the standard set by society? Girls are forced into submissive positions in life. I should imagine that the pressure is as difficult for them as it is for boys. Boys do not get actual punishment for being different. They get the same as for girls - bullying.
I think you are looking at it from your own viewpoint. It is easier when we free ourselves from the fear of other people's criticism. But it takes a certain maturity to get to that stage.
You found it quite easy to pigeon hole girls. I think you should think on that.