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How do I promote a social event type fundraiser? - Printable Version

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How do I promote a social event type fundraiser? - NOT - 02-20-2014 09:55 AM

My friends (we are in 8th grade) are single-handedly planning a masquerade ball fundraiser for Valentine's Day. The event will have a bake sale, DJ, drawing, etc. . Although it is for a school club, it is out of school and not school-sponsored. We're planning to promote by making posters, handing out flyers, and I will be posting it on my Instagram (which has about 315 followers) But what else can we do to promote it? How do we make it seem super-cool and like the ultimate event to go to? We need to sell at least a 100 tickets.

- instagram - 02-20-2014 10:00 AM

i mean it depends who your try going around school and talk too go to and buy followers there really cheap!!! they also sell twitter followers too