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All you democrats care about is social issues, your all hypocrites? - Printable Version

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All you democrats care about is social issues, your all hypocrites? - Chris - 10-14-2012 07:14 PM

In the DNC all they constantly harp on is abortion, same sex marriage, college tuition, and immigration..

We are in 16 trillion $ of debt. Barack Obama has caused 5 trillion $ of that himself with his failed stimulus packages and other packs. that is 45% of the debt alone all just in one term. more than any other presidant ever. FACT (source cbs, leans democrat)
You people are so hypocrtical...

Obama hasnt done anything about tuition like he preached about.. in fact its up 45% since 4 years ago...
Under Obama more illegals have been deported then any other president in us history.. FACT
(so whats this whole latinos for obama nonsense?) Hypocrites.

Romney clearly stated that he is all about creating a budget, which obama hasnt had in 42 months.
romeny isnt against women having abortions in rape or situations when the mother is in danger.. but if you dont want kids close your legs or use birth control.

Romney is Wants to create jobs and lower the debt. he is not worried about social issues right now thats how it should be we are 16 trillion in debt. all else can wait.

and dont be a hypocrite to blame bush. and say obama inherited a bad spot.
dont forget bush came into the worst tragedy ever in 2001 with 9/11.
and btw the real estate collapse was because of the "sacred" bill clinton not bush get your facts straight.

if this libya incedent would have happened to bush he would have been ridiculed non stop by the media and democrats. but nope not for obama. you people are truly scary
also i know you liberals, are going to criticize me and call me a racist bigot... (roll my eyes *)
i am a spainsh/italian whos parents both work and have worked for 30+ years, pay taxes, we struggle to do it. but we dont leech off the government...

- noisyhat231 - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

you're. incident. some people care about education as well. you are not one of them.

- Purkinje Fiber - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

I fell asleep when I read the very first word of your statement..

- Stink-eye Judas - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

O.M.G., what hogwash.


- squarewrist637 - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

Entitlements come before family and America. That is the short version, of course there is a giant list of bad they do to the United States.

- ? - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

Who cares? I am not american but your opinion is one in 300 Million. It doesn't matter, thats your idea of a good america, not everyone's.
Calm the f*ck down.
"oh poor me I'm republican evil hypocritical liberals wahh"
No one cares, so stop the freaking hysterics and get off your damn computer and actually DO something about it if it bothers you. If you don;t youre as much of a hypocrite as you call others. I don't care what you say to us, you will only be lying to yourself.

- Mark F - 10-14-2012 07:22 PM

Nice rant. Is there an actual question in there somewhere?