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ex is giving out my home address? - Printable Version

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ex is giving out my home address? - Maria - 02-20-2014 12:58 PM

My ex from 2009 has been out to get me for a very long time. I called the police on him in 2009 for stalking, and he was arrested but let go because there was not enough evidence.

Since 2010 I have been receiving messages from a girl on facebook who said she "knows" I am behind certain messages she received (nothing to do with me, I have no idea who she is), and that she hired a private detective to get my ip address, and from that, she got my home address. It all went quiet in 2011 but has started up again since this summer - she even said my ex passed her my details and that he told her I was behind harassment she's been getting! I do not know this girl and have no idea what she's talking about.

I haven't acted yet as I have had an extremely bad year and don't have time for this girl and her games, I just blocked her on facebook. But I took a sneaky look at her facebook a few days ago and she and all her cronies were apparently planning some big "thing" where they are going to "get a certain someone" (the girl won't name me though but it's fairly obvious) - I took a screenshot of this, and then looked again just now and she's deleted it. I have made NO contact at all with her in any way, ever.

She says on her facebook "if a certain girl can see these posts, that just proves she stalks my facebook". Yes I do look at her facebook - to see what threats she's made this time!

She, through my ex's troublemaking, is totally convinced that I am behind whatever it is she's been "suffering". The only one suffering here is ME. Every time I hear a noise outside I think it's her or a friend of hers. My ex does know where I live and I can't just get up and move - what can I do to stop this?

I've collected a few screenshots but really don't want to go to the police as she'll deny she was talking about me, and she'll just make it worse for me.

- Rufus T. Firefly - 02-20-2014 01:00 PM

Try a cyber-stalking or cyber-bully website. They may have a hotline number.

- Richard - 02-20-2014 01:00 PM

Inform the woman that you are not responsible for any harassment she has been suffering, and that you do not understand why she would believe that you were but you suspect that your ex boyfriend might be messing with the both of you. Explain to her that you have been subjected to harassment by your ex boyfriend, so you know how disconcerting it can be. Let her know that you are willing to cooperate in any investigation, and that you hold no malice toward her.

Any "threats" you have seen posted on her facebook page were probably posted for the sole purpose of causing you discomfort and, in all probability, will not be followed through with. If there truly was such a plan, you probably would not have stumbled upon it so easily. Let the woman know that you do indeed read her facebook page from time to time and did see the threats, and that this caused you to feel uncomfortable. Let her know that it is not OK to post threats of violence. It is illegal, unwarranted, immoral, and malicious. Let her know that it is not unreasonable for you to look at her facebook page, particularly since she has been sending you messages. Let her know that facebook has many privacy settings that permit users to hide posts from other users.

Above all else, let her know that you desire peace and mean her no harm.

- pragmatism_rules - 02-20-2014 01:09 PM

Anyone can view any posts on facebook that are made publicly available and just viewing those pages does not constitute stalking. Now as to your problem, you should not contact this woman directly, or in any other way. Instead, hire a lawyer to send her a sternly worded letter stating that you are not responsible for the online the harassment she has been allegedly receiving (which can be proven by a computer expert) and that you are aware of the threats she has been making toward your personal safety. The lawyer should tell her that if you are attacked by anyone, that you will file a police report that states that you believe she is responsible for the attack...and you will also seek a restraining order as well as for your legal costs to be paid. I am sure that once she has such a letter, everything will end. Good luck and God bless.

- shallowanimal189 - 02-20-2014 01:19 PM

How do you know it's not him using a bogus FB account to get to you w/it? It's stalking period, get an order against that account; FB has options for you to report these kinds of harassment attacks on their customers. 5 yrs is too long for anyone to be stalked & harassed, it's no doubt him, by him through him & prolly only him. He may have others/another to help aid him but if anyone is helping him, they too are sick if they continuing to help aid his ills...

Call your Twp & ask what you can do to stop this... other then move far to you hon. I sincerely wish the best for ya, no one deserves their lives altered by sick people who won't try to receive mental growth, simple wasting their lives getting off hurting others. I wish they'd come w/tags so we'd all know who to avoid. It appears our laws that were created to protect us is a difficult task for our own safety, it sure works out for the low life's that take the Inch to stretch it out all the way to ignorant miles of nowhere & nothing huh? Perhaps you should play their game/s and stalk him, find out where he goes & w/who etc...see how the bully likes being threatened, cowards & pathetic dumbazz's...

- Maxi - 02-20-2014 01:22 PM

Go to the police and take all your 'proof' with you.................