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what can I do to make myself feel better? - Printable Version

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what can I do to make myself feel better? - Hannah - 02-20-2014 12:58 PM

so there's me...minding my own business, just busy being me. I don't use Instagram or Twitter and rarely Facebook because I'm not that much of a social person. But then this other person comes along and has the like exact same clothing aesthetic as me and persona. She was just able to let others know about that through the likes of Instagram... and I feel like shit because I feel like that was me first and I wasn't able to let the be known. I know it's my fault and I admit, I'm jealous...but is there anything that I can do to help let go?

- Cat44 - 02-20-2014 12:59 PM

it is not too late to make your splash too. there are lots of differences between the two of you, you just don't know her well enough to know that yet. It sounds like you want to be more social too. here are a few links that may help you accomplish that. it will take time and practice but soon making friends will come naturally. you will have to step out of your comfort zone and try something scary and new. but keep your eye on the prize. and don't let a fail here and there discourage you. not all people you try to be friends with are actally friend-worthy.;_ylt=A2KLqIKkWfhSVmoAirv7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTB2NG5xZnBpBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0​aWQDVjE1MARncG9zAzE-?p=how+to+make+friends+for+teens&vid=7803c9b5c1da6f86d8d8e364e4e29796&l=1%3A47&

- corncrake - 02-20-2014 01:01 PM

Look the people who know you (and care) will be aware of er who came first and just because she's parading herself on instagram (home of the vain and extremely insecure) does not mean anything. Sure, you feel put out by her it's natural but don't let it rule your life. She's out there and probably posting the same stuff endlessly it gets stale and she'll evolve or move on. Besides it's far more cool not to be on a social network as people are realising the fakeness and stupidity of having to pretend/deal with other people's faux dramas.