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- Isabel - 02-20-2014 01:35 PM

Oh hon, get over it. Yes you're wrong, you are both wrong. And privacy, there is no privacy when you are checking on someone you think is cheating. Can't blame her, you would have done the same thing.

- Monica Mellish - 02-20-2014 01:40 PM

She should be happy to be rid of you. Don't worry because she will will feel silly and forget you and move on herself.

- Black Prince - 02-20-2014 01:45 PM

Well u n him.need to move on

- Amy - 02-20-2014 01:55 PM

You are clearly an idiot, immature, and irresponsible. Let's work backwards, shall we? You cheat on your ex, and then you continue speaking to said cheated ex while you are in a NEW relationship and you keep these emails SECRET and admit many of them cross the line. You have the nerve to cheat both of these women and tell neither one what you are doing, then while with the new one you tell the old one she was the best (even though you cheated). And now you are whining about how she invaded your privacy, even though she had good reason? I am glad she told the ex because you know what, being cheated on is her business. And she deserves to know whether the relationship is over or not. Fact is, you cheated on your ex and she continued speaking to you thinking you DIDN'T. Now you're out 2 decent women and still stuck with undeveloped gonads and arrested emotional maturity.

Actually I edited this before but it disappeared. To answer your question YES she feels bad. Is it right in the grand scheme of things, YES, it is wrong for this particular situation? No, because she feels bad that you moved on because she thought she was more to you. She didn't expect you to move on instantly, indicating you cared nothing for her which is actually true. She is now battling with the reality that you are no good and did not care for her. So, ultimately, she's right for feeling angry about it because she didn't deserve this. But it won't benefit her in this situation since you didn't really care about her to begin with, for you not to move on.

Edit: I don't know what good you've done, but all I know is this. When you betray someone by cheating in any way, i.e. flirting with the opposite sex, smiles, looks, kissing, sex, and lies, that pretty much is grounds for negating all good. You would've had to done exceptional things like saved her life or someone close to her in order for it to count as "un-negate-able." Believe me, those good memories go out the window the minute you cheat. It's a profound betrayal that cannot be redeemed. Imagine she cheated on you and did everything you did, including her ex boyfriend. How would you feel? Time to grow up...

- Tami - 02-20-2014 02:00 PM

AMY....Bravo! I couldn't agree more. I just want to add this: Most women have a gut feeling or a sense that something isn't right and I'm going to assume that at some point she questioned you and you didn't give her the full truth regarding your activities. Here's the deal, she has every right to be able to make life decisions based on the truth. People have quit jobs, moved to other states, etc - all for relationships and it would be pretty selfish to watch her make huge life altering decisions based on lies. Seriously, grow up.

- M. - 02-20-2014 02:03 PM

You don't know much about how women think. And what happened is proof. But when a woman is emotionally injured, she usually wants to punish the injurer. And that is what is happening now. You obviously don't want to play her female game, and this injures her more. If you truly want to move on, stop ALL contact with her. That means deleting emails and sms before you read them. If you are not through with her yet, meet in person and have a thorough discussion about everything.

Women, in general, have self esteem issues. When you are acting suspicious, they are immediately distrustful, and do incasive things like snooping and even talking to exes and cheaters. But when you treat them well, they may also become suspicious, and they snoop and talk and inquire alk the more.

You are not ready for a serious, committed relationship yet. But when you are, get rid of any and all evidence of any previous women. If you don't, you'll be sorry. And stop all contact with exes too.

- Kayl - 02-20-2014 02:12 PM

You just need to end it with her completely, no more texting or talking, no more Facebook or anything. All exes are going to be upset(even if they don't admit it) when their ex tries to move on. You obviously realize you screwed up, and I honestly think all the women attacking you are just pathetic. You screwed up but now you're moving on. You ex girlfriend needs to get over herself.

- sans s - 02-20-2014 02:18 PM

Can somebody tell this guy's new girlfriend all the drama going on so she can make a run for it?

- kate - 02-20-2014 02:19 PM

It doesn't really matter what you've done that was good because of the bad things you did. You are right, you screwed up completely. In a relationship where you are seriously considering marriage, there shouldn't be anything for her to find. Women aren't looking for fairy tales, but when relationships get hard, we need to know that our partner has our back. You didn't. That can't really be forgotten. If the situation were reversed would you really forgive her?

All you can do is take the heart ache that you are feeling and use it to make yourself into someone who is trustworthy. Right now, you aren't. You aren't good relationship material until you do that. It doesn't matter how romantic you are or how good in bed if you aren't trustworthy and reliable.

- Patricia - 02-20-2014 02:20 PM

If you love someone, you don't behave the way you did.... you were likely more "attached" than in love.