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See who views your facebook profile the most? - Printable Version

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See who views your facebook profile the most? - Michael - 02-20-2014 01:40 PM

I believe I figured it out. Just from observation and experience. If you have timeline or even the older version it is all still the same. It isn't necessarily the top 8 friends that show on your page in your timeline or old version. Yes.. those are friends that few your profile a lot but its actually when you click to view your friends on the friends tab. If you click that, you will notice that the first people to show up are that list are the ones who viewing your profile the most. And the reason I believe this to be true is simply crushes and people I know to be viewing my profile and I don't few theirs or talk to them on FB. Now facebook has a random order so it changed the order of friends constantly but you will notice the same friends keep popping up. Believe me or not, I know this to be true just from experiencing it, so you can argue but just try it and see, and I'm pretty sure you realize that Im probably right. IT IS NOT BY WHO YOU INTERACT THE MOST... like i said I have people on my top that I never interact with but I know they have a crush on me. So like I said try it.

- Whitney - 02-20-2014 01:43 PM

OMG i noticed that too!! i was thinkng that it was that!! That makes me kinda happy cuz im friends with this REALLY HOT GUY on fb but he NEVER talks to me i talk to him and he ignoes me haha but idc anymore and he is ALWAYS up there!! and so is this toher hot guy i know lol haha thank u for confirming this Wink