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Is it bad that I don't care if I have friends? - Printable Version

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Is it bad that I don't care if I have friends? - Sasha10 - 02-20-2014 01:47 PM

So basically in primary everyone was friends,then it got to secondary and everyone went their own ways I'v always stuck with the two people who I thought where my friends but I guess not anyways I'm not sociable but it doesn't bother me if there all out having a laugh and I'm just sat at home with my family watching something,it doesn't bother me that I don't have friends to be honest I couldn't care less,is it unusual to not care if I don't have friends because I mean I know you should enjoy your life and you need friends to have a good time but I don't care if I have friends?

- guesswhaat? - 02-20-2014 01:53 PM

Lmao you know what, i take my hat off to you . I have heaps of friends but if i lose some as i do coz im not bothered for all their crap and dramas.. I dont care , like it doesnt bother me . At the end of the day, were going down our graves SOLO .

- Yellow - 02-20-2014 01:55 PM

omg. you are like my mirror from the past. i never made many friends in primary/middle/high school either. i have always been an introvert, more into my family than friends. i had only 1-2 friends in highschool, but those were not even friends because i never phoned them or talked to them outside of classes. i came home for lunch as i lived only 5 minute walk away from school, and i always believed that i need to be focused in life towards my goals and studies and stuff and that i dont need any friends. i always believed that friends are useless, i never really felt their need until i went to university, in first year many students tried to approach me for friendship but i never showed any interest because i just didn't want to make any friends. then i switched university (because i wanted to switch programs), and as soon as i went into my new university i met a girl who was so well informed about general lifestyle choices that i felt like its a necessity to have friends. i get to learn so much from her.

we don't grow in isolation. in order to learn, in order to grow, we need to have contacts...people whom we could learn from. family really isn't a good source of learning because you spend first 18-19 years of our lives with them, and what we are in the first 18-19 yrs of our lives is like the 98% carbon copied version of personalities in our family so there really isn't much newer stuff to learn from them. today, all my sibling and i are the same (personality wise--all introverts, socially awkward, but beautiful faces and kind and well educated---and yes other people say the same about us!) anyway, the point is that now i have a different perspective on friends. i try to be open to people i meet and try to further the relationship rather than showing no interest. (i still dont have many friends, but i have a few i actually speak to, and my fb friends list is growing, and i am not just facebook farming, i actually know those people and i can talk to them if i need help regarding something)....some people you meet will remain just faces you recognize, some will become acquintances, some will become friends and some will become bff's (1-3 or something)...but honestly you do need people around you because they teach you. its in your good to meet people and be friendly with them. the sooner you do that the sooner you will become good at it. it ll help you in the longer run and other people do teach you plenty of new things (esp. in university and work places because they come from different background, unlike school where its mostly limited to same kind of society (in my case, mostly brown people from a middle class families---not very attractive school). it will expand your horizon, your views in life, and to be honest its mostly extroverts who are loved and promoted to higher positions in life because people recognize them and know them. contacts matter. but dont put a pressure on yourself and feel like you gotta make tons of friends all of a sudden. just be open to people and open for friendships and very soon you'll have a big contacts diary. life is long, and you might not make a new friend everyday, you have time, so don't act desperate to make friends (because they'll come with time as long as you are open to people and open to friendship the relation in general).

wish you the best in life. take care Smile

i am 21 year old female in last year of uni. btw. (oh and you might fail in making contacts sometimes, but even if you can make 1 contact per year, its better than not making any. i believe that people come into our lives with a purpose, they help our personalities grow. i have learnt new things from every new person i have met in my life so far)

oh and as someone already commented that we go to our graves solo, that's right! that's the reason why we shouldnt let others behaviours and their rejections get to us. (i got really sad once when a person i wanted to be friends with rejected my friendship Sad but hey, its okay! i now know that we might get rejected and stuff and its all part of our learning process for our personalities. but then another friend told me that that person was depressed and dropped out of uni. and went back to her hometown. so it wasn't like there was something wrong with me, although i thought there was something wrong with me when she rejected my friendship lol) but the best part is that i got to meet a really really smart girl through that depressed girl, and i am friends with that smart girl now and she's also graduating with me this year Smile (that's why i believe that everyone comes into your life with a purpose!!!)

- devanmini - 02-20-2014 01:59 PM

i feel the same way
but i started to feel like this after going through this huge hub-b with a now ex best friend
i just thought it's not worth the drama and i am just happy to be alone
though when ever i re read harry potter i do wish i had a couple of friends but then again no one is that great right