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Why do people get pissed off when other people post political information on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why do people get pissed off when other people post political information on Facebook? - IrishItaliangirl - 10-14-2012 07:32 PM

For those of you who bash the people who discuss politics on FB you might want to think about this...while we love reading all of the silly jokes and watching each others kids and pets grow up on this social media website we should also be interested in what our friends really think about life and politics. Generations before us people sat in living rooms and discussed politics like adults with open minds and ears. Hell, this is how George Washington himself was elected. Its very healthy and essential to making sure we are not just one big mis-informed nation. But do us all a favor and make sure you research your facts before you post them. I'd love to hear what you have to say and no I won't "de-friend" you because I don't have the same beliefs, I might even research it and try to understand why you believe the way you do. Our generation needs to wake up, discuss and act. Stop bashing each other like our nominees are currently doing. Do the opposite and lead by example by discussing it openly like adults.

- Bryan - 10-14-2012 07:40 PM

Personally I don't really care what people post on Facebook. I am not going to un-friend someone just because I do not agree with their opinions. However, it is very difficult to have political discussions online because of the number of bomb throwers. I will occasionally discuss politics with some friends who I know to be reasonable people, but for the most part I just consider their posts an exercise in free speech and leave them be.