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Does my ex want me back? - Smartass Italian - 02-20-2014 04:44 PM

My ex left me back in June because of some bad times we fell into. Things got bad, she was stressed from college, I was stressed from things going on in my life, everything just got progressively worse and the romance was almost nearly dead and we just argued about silly things until finally she had enough and broke it off with me. I was still upset about it, despite I subconsciously knew it was coming someday. I took it hard, and I couldn't speak to her for a week or so. I blocked her from facebook and such and couldn't even see her name, couldn't call her, talk to her, avoided all contact. A week after or so, we start talking and she and I tried to work our way back into normal conversations. She claimed she wanted to be single for a while. I was like, okay that's fine I guess. Well this went on for about 2 months, as she would progressively flirt more and more but when I wanted to know where we stood, she said she didn't know or said that she wanted to be single for a while thing again. I felt I was being lead on and I walked away from her. She took this badly and blocked me from everything. Facebook, twitter, all social networking sites, skype, no more phone calls, no contact, she disappeared. I only heard about her through friends and she was pretty pissed at me. Wrote on her wall she would never take me back because supposedly someone told her to. A few immature enemies of mine contacted her and told her stupid lies about me to fuel the fire to get her further away from me. 2 weeks later, maybe a bit less, I find out she is dating some guy that was supposed to be my friend that I had no idea liked her. He talked crap to her to get her away from me and with her. I take this as a weak rebound because I heard she was really moody on her Facebook wall, almost always depressed, never shown this guy interest and they rumored to have broken up every 2 weeks or so, when she wasn't paying attention to him.

5 months go by. She unblocks me on Facebook and messages me, apologizing for everything, from being selfish, immature, bad things being said, you name it. She never brought up the guy she dated until I did. She said she only went out with him because he constantly begged her and she "felt bad for him." Well I was happy she apologized but not sure why she did. We didn't talk much after that and slowly we started talking a bit more and more. Most recently, we have been talking nearly everyday. Just yesterday we talked on Skype for 7 hours straight. She is more open with me now, it seems. She tells me about her personal problems she is having, said her uncle passed recently, tells me about people that are giving me a rough time. We joke around exactly like we used to when we were dating, she is silly and emotional towards me like before, asks me how I am feeling and if I say I am happy, she says she is glad and such, shows genuine concern. I just am never good at these things, I can't read signs and can't be 100% certain. What does it sound like she is doing and how does she feel towards her and I? I asked back then where we stood and that didn't turn out well, so I don't want to play that card again. She seems to genuinely care about me and spent time with me but I have no clue where I stand or of her intentions. She said many times about our fights "its in the past now" and she has addressed the problems we had and says she wants to move forward. Where does this leave us? How does she feel towards me, exactly and is she interested in pursuing a relationship again or what? And if so, what should my approach be to finally get her back, because I have never stopped loving this girl and would love to be back with her.

- sunny - 02-20-2014 04:47 PM

Hi Smartass Italian

If you want her interest back and want to tame her so he love and respect you then, I do have a suggestion that might work.

I learned this little trick at

try mailing him a a real letter with a stamp and everything ...worked great for me.

just be honest with him ....its the best policy
all the best in 2014!

Here are few tips which helped many couples:

1. Remember, no situation is hopeless. Every day, couples get back together regardless of the situation.

2. Be the person she fell in love with. She was attracted to you because she felt good with you, and you were fulfilling her emotional needs.

How have you changed?

Correct bad habits and mistakes, if any.

Be positive around her. Laugh and smile. Always stay positive to feel good about yourself and make friends around you feel good because of you.

3. Use the past to your advantage. If she complimented a particular outfit, wear it again. Or, share a lighthearted memory with her If you have a chance to meet her do it in a familiar place you used to enjoy good times together.

Start right now Smartass Italian with a proper plan to get your boyfriend back. "Miracles moves to bring your ex Back" is inspirational and life changing book to read. Why? It small ( few pages) & simple but effective. You can get it for free from the same link I have given above and in the source as well

God Bless You

Sunny Wilson