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why is my EX BOYFRIEND being SO MEAN TO ME? - Printable Version

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why is my EX BOYFRIEND being SO MEAN TO ME? - audrina - 02-20-2014 04:54 PM

okay so me and my boyfriend are done, we had no reason i guess we just loss feelings for one another, he dumped me i didnt dump him, and on twitter i put a tweet talking about my one guy friend i havent talked to in forever and i put "boy did i miss talking to you my life is going great" so then my ex tweets hope he can stand your bo you stink? and i said how immature are you its called dont be jealous.
so then we got into a huge fight on twitter which i found pretty ridiculous and he goes your so childish, you wear to much makeup, your a hoe , etc.

then out of nowhere he goes welll whatever the new girl im with now doesnt hide her face in makeup and is mature. i kind of dont believe he has new a girl i think he was just saying that because he thought i had moved on but i was actually referring my tweet to a guy friend not a boyfriend.

but why is my ex acting all rude and saying all this stuff to make me jealous and mad? he is the one who dumped me and left me i havent even said 1 thing rude to him?

may i remind you im 17 and he is 19 we arent some immature little 14 year old kids.

- lisa - 02-20-2014 05:00 PM

LOL good job. You obviously didn't act all broken up because he dumped you, so that was a big blow to his ego. Now he feels he has to go out of his way and insult you to make you feel bad. This is common with guys. They're big babies. They dump us, and expect us to cry and carry on so they can roll their eyes about how psycho and emotional we are and how they're this hot stud we just can't get over. But if we don't do these things and act fine with everything they throw tantrums.

- xxprincessxx - 02-20-2014 05:04 PM

He probably just got angry because he thought you moved on. Let him be, HE is very immature, not you. And he probably does not have a new girl, just trying to make you jealous. Ignore him, you're better than that.

Help me?;_ylt=AneW29v3pPtEs6CDbOwgJkMM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20111202235051AAxtSTR

- Baby_Girl - 02-20-2014 05:17 PM

that call taking revenge sweety

- F - 02-20-2014 05:25 PM

Um, I think he is jealous , he probably doesn't want to see you with another guy. Delete him for your Twitter? Delete him from your life. Get him outta the way so you can have a better life. Needless to say when makes fun of you that surely says that they have nothing better to do with their life than judge you. Don't listen to him.

Answer to your question: He is being mean, because he is jealous!