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How do I transfer YouTube videos into my camera roll with an iPhone? - Printable Version

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How do I transfer YouTube videos into my camera roll with an iPhone? - Dominique - 02-20-2014 06:52 PM

I have Instagram and I want to post YouTube videos or at least sections of them but I don't know how to transfer YouTube videos to my camera roll. I have an iPhone if that is of any use to you. Please help me.

- Lillian N - 02-20-2014 06:54 PM

Well, you would have to download that youtube video first on a laptop or computer.
1)Download the youtube video on your laptop/computer, if it isn't yet.
2)After that, make sure you are logged into your email account on your iphone,
3)After you have done that, Email it to yourself by just sending it to yourself.
ex. To: [insert YOUR email] - then click send
4)You then should receive it after a bit, in your inbox on your iphone.
5) click on it and save it and there you go.

( I was trying to figure out the same thing, and was over thinking it by downloading a bunch of apps which didn't work by the way and then I realized I could have done something so much easier, which was emailing it to myself and it worked.)

Hope this was helpful!