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I'm interested in pursuing a Masters in Health Communication, where can I get some experience now? - Printable Version

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I'm interested in pursuing a Masters in Health Communication, where can I get some experience now? - mdxgirl - 10-14-2012 07:44 PM

I would like to (preferably) find a job related to the field OR even a volunteer position that deals with health awareness and education, something that I can say: "Hey I have some kind of knowledge of this career already." The reason being that I intend to apply to a government internship after I complete my Masters. Positions that involve social media and digital copy writing would be great! I started looking for jobs within organizations like the Red Cross, American Cancer Society...but no luck so I was wondering if anyone out there could help. Thanks in advance!!! Here is more about me so you get a sense of who I am I guess: The bio says I want to be a doctor but I'm actually thinking about a PhD in bioethics..I discovered that I'm more interested in the politics and philosophy of health care and the health system than the actual medical work (although I still find the latter interesting and admire health care professionals).

- DrIG - 10-14-2012 07:52 PM

Try local hospitals./