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How to become friends with a girl if your shy and freeze ? - Printable Version

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How to become friends with a girl if your shy and freeze ? - Dylan - 02-20-2014 07:15 PM

I'm 16 theres a girli would like to try and become friends i noticed her after the summer hoildays so what 3-4 months were in the same year this year and up to that we were not anyway i do not have the gutts to go up to her i have some of her friends on facebook i use to have the girl but after her finding out i liked her which i have gotten over that and sending weird messages to her as i'm not good at talking on facebook most times i'm grand she blocked me but i talk to some of her friends and i just ask them to tell the girl that i'm coming up but i don't and i chicken out as i'm not sure what to say to start talking and maybe even become friends in time one of her friends came up looking for money of me and one of my friends who are all guys by the way no girls what so ever anyway when she came up she asked if i had gone up i said i was going to but i did not go up and another friend said '' you keep saying it just do it theres nothing to be afaird of '' and they would not be saying it if the girl does not want me to come up so there might me be a chance to still become friends but what do i say i don't want to complantment her as she is not interested in me that way and we wear uniforms its just on becoming friends so girls who have guy friends or the other why around what and how did yous start to become friends thanks ?

- AuntKatie - 02-20-2014 07:18 PM

Be friendly, pleasant, polite, and most importantly kind. Show her that you are a kind and caring and sincere person. Never show meanness. Talk to her. Talk about school, sports, music, movies, books, hobbies, special interests, friends, family, pets, events that are happening around you or in your town. Ask her questions about herself. Help her if she needs help. Pay attention to her but not in a creepy or obsessive way, listen to what she has to say. Show interest in things that interest her. Smile. Make eye contact. See how it goes.